Why do journalists think that people who learn multiple languages are geniuses?

@eugrus: If anything like that happens to me, it’s just a typo :slight_smile:

As long as people are impressed by people speaking X amount of languages - and see language acquisition as some kind of gift which has not fallen into their lap - does it matter by what kind of quality they are impressed? As to those who are motivated through the efforts of even a bumbling polyglot on youtube, if they pursue a language, they’ll eventually notice their idol’s clay feet. And by then those don’t matter any more, either. I can’t imagine anybody being upset for having learnt a language by whichever means.

I am spared much of the agony of having to watch people making major mistakes. I simply only watch or read the heavyweights - and am glad to see that quite a few of these quiet giants are represented here from time to time.

As to the original question of this thread: journalists frequently have to write what they think sells, right?

The only thing I care about is that people are teaching things improperly and teaching people how to speak incorrectly. It’s not that they are teaching an “informal” way of speaking–they are teaching people how to speak in a way that no native would ever speak.

Oh, and the more important thing is that they are selling a product for good money. In the case of Benny Lewis, like 100 bucks for his hacking guide. If it wasn’t for the money being charged (Benny Lewis) or teaching wrong things (Moses teaching on youtube with his roadrunner method books costing money, also), I wouldn’t care at all.

Interesting thread. I’d like to add a few things from the point of view of someone who actually posts some language videos on his youtube channel.

First of all, with the exception of Benny and Laoshu I don’t know of anybody who tries to sell a product on their channels (lingq is mostly free, so I don’t count Steve). But even these two post many videos that in my opinion can be useful to people who are interested in learning a foreign language. I would not pay for anything where I have a feeling that the quality of what is offered is not up to what I’d like to see in a product the author is asking money for. However, this is a decision everybody has to make on their own. Benny is not actually teaching any language but he offers advice as to how he thinks one can obtain a level of proficiency which will allow you to communicate with people within a relatively short period of time. If people who so far have thought they’d never be able to speak any foreign language at all actually can find a way to demystify the language learning process thanks to his tips, I don’t see anything wrong with that (even if they have to pay for his tips).

As far as I understand, Laoshu only sells products which have been written and/or proofread by native speakers, whereby he also explicitly advises students to use study material such as Teach Yourself as the basis for his road runner concept. I have yet to see any of that material to be able to say if it is as error-ridden as some people suggest the study material he offers is. As for his youtube videos where he “teaches”, it is clear that he is still practising and it is like asking a study buddy to help you out. He does not ask money for this and I don’t see why he should not post videos offering help to others, especially since it is more than obvious to anybody (he also repeatedly says this himself) that he is neither a teacher nor an expert in any of the languages. He, too, sells a certain concept which I have not tried myself yet but it may actually work.

When I watch videos like his or those of other people offering advice on youtube I am not looking for an experienced language teacher but for somebody who can keep me motivated and/or some interesting insights into language learning which I may not yet have been able to find out about myself.

This way I have come to know the language learning community on youtube mostly as a group of encouraging and helpful people. What I do find quite disappointing, however, is the constant insinuation from some people that polyglots or anybody posting language learning/practising videos on youtube are show-offs, egocentric or maybe even psychologically deranged people. If anybody else here ever tried to post youtube videos on their own, they’d see very quickly for themselves what I mean. You get your share of usual trolls who I don’t really care about and then you get people who keep criticizing other language learners without ever offering any positive input themselves.

I have never seen any video, any blog or any other constructive input with useful information as to how one could do things better from people who simply call polyglots fakes, liars or diminish their efforts. I once asked one of the people who keep saying how little polyglots are able or “dare” to venture out into realms that are not connected to language learning to have a video chat with me in the 6 languages we supposedly had in common (I say supposedly because I have never heard him speak or write in any other language than English) on any topic without any preparation - not to show off, but I was kind of fed up with people coming up with those generalizations and offering nothing else but their rather indiscriminate criticism. I have never heard of that person again …

I consider the quality of study material to be essential for any learner to make progess in the long run. This is why I normally only use material from renowned publishing houses or from original sources (like quality newspapers, radio programmes, etc.). The same goes for language exchange partners. I try to look for people who are not only interested in languages but who also have a certain level of proficiency in their native language. Sometimes non-native speakers may even be better language partners than native speakers for several reasons. At the end of the day it all depends on what makes you feel more comfortable while progressing in your language studies.

As I understand it, polyglot videos or any other language learning videos should be an additional means to help people get or keep motivated. I wish people did not try to find fault with every single sentence and word one pronounces in those videos just to “show” that polyglots are not that good after all. Ah, he/she mispronounced this word! Did you hear him make this mistake? His tones are fare from perfect. She has a weird intonation…the list goes on and on.

I am not saying that people should not criticize those videos or post comments on them. But I think there are more and more cases where this is not really done with a constructive mind but rather with the joy of supposedly “exposing” some fraud. People ought to realize that most polyglots and/or other language learners have full-time jobs and posting videos, answering sometimes up to 80 - 100 e-mails per week and trying to help others (if they ask for help) takes a lot of time, even if you do not update your youtube channel every week or so. It is something that is offered out of a passion for languages and not to show off.

Personally, I am not teaching anything to anybody. This has never been my intention. If I wanted to do something like this, I’d probably choose a different format and a different setting, while teaming up with some teaching experts. But that is just my view of things. I do believe, however, that people sincerely trying to share their passion for learning with others sometimes are treated unfairly as arrogant, egocentric and fakes.

As for my own videos and/or contributions, I have decided to only take comments seriously from people who have shown me “their credentials” before asking me what credentials I have. It is easy to sit back in your comfy chair and keep criticizing people while offering little help to the learning community on your own. I have received a lot of very constructive feedback on how I can improve and I really appreciate this kind of interaction. But this has always come from people who have made the effort to do more than just pick out some random mistakes to “expose” you as a failure. Instead, they have offered some solid and well-founded advice with the good-spirited mind of a fellow language learner. Sometimes it is this kind of spirit I miss in all the discussions about polyglots and other language learners.

@ cazasigiloso: (…) The only thing I care about is that people are teaching things improperly and teaching people how to speak incorrectly. It’s not that they are teaching an “informal” way of speaking–they are teaching people how to speak in a way that no native would ever speak. (…)

I have seen a couple of videos like this for German. However, in those videos it was clear that the person was neither a teacher nor a native speaker, but just a fellow language learner. Spending a few hours with a good textbook very quickly makes you aware of mistakes committed in these videos. I agree with you that if people say they actually want to “teach” others, they should not make this kind of mistakes. A teaching video to me is completely different from a practising video.

I never really liked Moses’ videos because I like people who are clear and to the point. Moses is just rambling along most of the time, too folksy for my taste. Also, when I watch these videos of him talking to me while he is driving his car and checking his mailbox in front of his house I don’t feel like being treated with respect as his audience. I like to listen to people who are sharp and clear in their thoughts, people that are articulate and engaging, like a good speaker. Moses’ style isn’t really doing it for me.

Another thing I found a bit off-putting is his “speak 45 to 50” languages claim that you are greeted with on his website. If hubris is then paired with arrogance and irascibility like in the case of the Irish polyglot it really makes for a terrible combination. Moses seems to be much more laid back charactr wise but still, as a language insider I find this 45 claim really off-putting.

@ Friedemann: (…) Another thing I found a bit off-putting is his “speak 45 to 50” languages claim that you are greeted with on his website. If hubris is then paired with arrogance and irascibility like in the case of the Irish polyglot it really makes for a terrible combination. Moses seems to be much more laid back charactr wise but still, as a language insider I find this 45 claim really off-putting. (…)

I don’t like rude and arrogant people, no matter where I’m unlucky enough to run into them. Most polyglots or youtube language learners I know, however, don’t qualify as such.

Yes, this whole thing with the ever increasing number of languages is kind of weird, if people actually state they speak them (fluently). I sometimes enjoy watching people dabble in a language because it might still help me get interested in it. I have cut down the time I spend on youtube drastically lately, and this has left me with much more time to actually study languages :wink: Reading and writing forum posts on the other hand is a good way of practising a language.

I have only watched a few of Moses’ videos on YouTube, and like Friedemann, the style is not for me. I am not criticizing the style, I just personally find the videos boring (he also makes a surprisingly large number of mistakes when he speaks English, but I don’t care about that; in fact I quite like listening to his English partly because of the mistakes). I like his personality and would probably like him if I met him, so I really don’t want to think anything bad about him. However, when I read the front page of his website, I see the words “I speak between 45 and 50 languages” and I also see that he has a lot to sell, a lot of which is quite expensive.

The question is, is Moses misleading people on his website into buying his semi-expensive products? From what I have seen, the answer appears to be yes. Moses’ claim to speak between 45 and 50 languages may well be true, but this requires a strange definition of what it means to speak a language. It requires that you define being able to say a few sentences in a language (i.e. being at an A0 level) as being able to speak it. This twists English almost beyond recognition. The vast majority of the time, when somebody says that they speak a language, they mean that they are fluent in the language (i.e. around C1 level normally, or maybe B2 at a stretch). Given the context that his claim to speak 45-50 languages is in, this is not only how people will interpret his words, but is also how people should interpret his words.

I am not claiming that he is being dishonest. In fact, I really don’t think he is being dishonest, because from what I have seen in his videos, he seems to make it very clear what level he is at in his languages, and is definitely not dishonest there. I am just saying that his claim to speak between 45 and 50 languages is misleading, and it is his fault that it is misleading. It is also important that he is selling stuff, though I don’t think this is necessarily so bad since basically all advertising is misleading.

Some of what Moses has to say is interesting. The thing that I find really difficult to watch are his so called “level up” videos (the ones where he goes into stores and tries to start speaking with people in language X or Y. It is rarely the case that he actually gets a reply in the language; in some cases he seems to get ridiculed quite badly.

In my opinion, it would be much better to find a sympathetic native speaker for a language exchange (either face to face or over Skype) rather than just approaching random strangers in public places.

I don’t want to be unfair, but I suspect there may perhaps be an element of exhibitionism about these “level up” missions? Of course, there is nothing evil or wrong about showing off in public. But you have to be pretty good in order to do so - otherwise you risk making a clown of yourself. (That goes for pretty much everything, not just languages.)

@ Robert - It is a shame that you get so many trolls or criticism on your YouTube channel. What kind of things do people normally write? I have never seen you write or say anything that is misleading, so I don’t really know why anybody would criticise your videos. I have only watched your videos in German, and a couple of your English videos (I don’t like watching stuff in English now, which is a pain in the ass because I do want to see The Hobbit, but I would sooner spend 2 hours watching low-quality Austrian chatshows).


Sadly it wouldn’t come as a surprise if Robert is getting trolled - it’s the nature of the internet. There are some people out there who will just hurl mindless and extreme abuse at people. (Basically these people are either driven by envy or hate, or they are just mentally unbalanced - or perhaps all of these things.)

@ J4J “(Basically these people are either driven by envy or hate, or they are just mentally unbalanced - or perhaps all of these things.)”

If we are talking about genuine trolls here, then I suspect that they do it because they find it fun. They are able to find it fun because they are anonymous, and therefore do not expect to have to take responsibility for what they say. Also, since the internet is so impersonal, somebody who is caring and polite normally can quite quickly lose these qualities when on the internet.

Anyway, that’s enough time on the internet for me for now. I am going for a Schnitzel! [update: the schnitzel was excellent!]

@Colin: “…I suspect that they do it because they find it fun. They are able to find it fun because they are anonymous, and therefore do not expect to have to take responsibility for what they say. Also, since the internet is so impersonal, somebody who is caring and polite normally can quite quickly lose these qualities when on the internet…”

I think it’s certainly true in general terms that the internet tends to bring out the worst in many people. But I would understand “trolls” as people who post really nasty and extreme personal abuse - or people who make serious threats (i.e. posting a person’s address and then saying: “I’m going to wait for you with a knife, etc”.) In my opinion this kind of thing is really not at all the same as people who just pull legs or weak noses, etc.

On this latter basis, I imagine just about everyone would be considered a “troll” at some time or other…

“How would you learn by teaching things that you have yourself learned incorrectly?”

To me the main purpose, and by far the most useful function, of a teacher is to motivate the learner. Moses obvioulsy does that for many people. He need not be the source of correct or native usage. There are lots of sources for that on the web and elsewhere. I think he has a very positive influence on many language learners. He has gotten further in far more languages than the average person. There is no way a person can explore 40 or more languages and speak them all fluently, correctly and with little accent. It takes time to learn a language, especially some of the obscure ones that Moses has learned.

Robert, I think many of the youtube polyglots enjoy doing it, but also do it for specific purposes. And I find that perfectly legitimate. I hope I provide useful information about language learning. I genuinely think more people can learn languages. Yet LingQ is promoted all over my youtube channel, and attracting people to LingQ is a major purpose of the channel. Luca and Richard hope to make at least somewhat of a career of their language learning skills and knowledge. I hope they do. They have a lot to contribute. There is no way they can spend so much time and energy for free. Benny promotes his books, and himself, but also promotes language learning and has a large following. So, all of these people, Moses and myself included, hope to generate some income from their activities to support what they are doing. And where is the problem in that?

The LingQ project itself is the result of my interest and passion for language learning. No one else would have stuck with it. But it could not exist with income to pay for programmers, other personnel, and other significant expenses.

So the fact that people are selling something does not make it bad.

I can’t find it now, but Moses recently did an interview in which he stated that he offers tutoring services in Japanese, Korean and other languages and I don’t think (or at least he has not mentioned) that he has any other job. However, I suppose he is doing well to be able to afford all those language courses.

Back to the original topic, I think the people that get the most attention are the people who are either really good and prolific at what they do (in terms of language ability, quality of presentation, number of videos, etc.) such as Steve, Luca, etc. and the people who may be considered a little eccentric or odd or those that are controversial. There are a huge number of equally talented youtubers who teach a language or languages and do not garner as much media or public attention.

And Benny certainly deserves an honorable mention, if not an Oscar, for his media and search-engine promotion work. I cannot tell you the number of times I have been searching for a serious grammar topic in a language only to have yet another quirky side-profile jazz-hand photo displayed on my monitor.

"And Benny certainly deserves an honorable mention, if not an Oscar, for his media and search-engine promotion work. I cannot tell you the number of times I have been searching for a serious grammar topic in a language only to have yet another quirky side-profile jazz-hand photo displayed on my monitor. "

Haha, then you read the article and it has nothing to do with the topic. This is probably a daily occurance for me in my googling quest to learn more about my target language. Damn he’s good at showing up on the first page of a google search.

“Damn he’s good at showing up on the first page of a google search.”

If that had not been the case, I probably would not have found LingQ, italki, Anki, Lang-8, and all the interesting, motivational, and useful advice given by the online language learning community. I would probably still be going to a language school.

With regards to Benny, I found his Polish and Norwegian missions to be quite odd. I mean I remember I used to come up with these kinds of missions but then afterwards I found out that these missions are not only unrealistic but you are more likely to forget a lot after a day or two.

@polyglot2 " one should also not discount the possibility that some youtubers may suffer from undiagnosed psychological disorders that may cause them to have an unrealistic view of their own abilities, importance or the rest of the world’s interest in their activities. A lot of the praise they receive is not genuine and is posted by people who find them amusing and wish to keep the entertainment going"

Yes, very true.

@polyglot2 By the way, do you think that Benny might just keep going with those 5 hour missions from now on? To me it seems like so right now.

Thats actually funny because Benny Lewis was the first language blogger that I discovered, too. I guess I should thank him for that.

Recently I reread some posts I remember agreeing with so much, and today the general lack of depth in his argument against input-based learning (his idea that this is how a robot learns languaes, for example) astonishes me. I even read his book and its… well… I’m glad I downloaded it from a torrent and didnt buy it.

He seems to be doing something else right now, so I think the 5 hour missions were just easy ways to keep things going at his site. I guess he can’t just stop posting for a few months.

@ djvlbass - I think we had similar experiences. I don’t find his advice to be particularly useful any more. I don’t think following his advice would be an improvement on what I do now, but it definitely was an improvement on what I did when I first found his site. I think his reviews of other language learning products are the only articles on his website that I would say are worth reading.