When’s the last time we saw a movie?

When’s the last time we saw a movie?

I’d like to know if “when’s” here is the contraction of when is, not when was?

However, don’t you say, when WAS the last time you did something?

Thank you!!!

Yes, that’s correct. “When’s” always means “when is” - it will never mean “when was”. I don’t know why that is, but that’s just how the language is!

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Do you say “when’s the last time you went hiking” or “when was the last time you went hiking”?

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Both. As an American “when was” and “when is” and “when’s” are used interchangeably. “When was…” sounds slightly more correct and formal and “when’s” sounds rather casual, but I would say both in the same conversation and the meaning would be the same.


As Heather mentioned, we will use both. To me, either one sounds correct honestly. There are also times where we will say “When’s” in a situation where “when was” is actually the correct grammar, but “when’s” is often used casually because it is easier to pronounce than “when was”.


And I went to the movie theater the last time I met a girl on the internet and asked her out on a first date))) By the way, the movie was good, but the date was not so good)))