What's your routine?

Interesting. Thanks for the input. for the last 5 months I’ve been using Anki simply for English to Chinese example sentences, but there are obviously many downsides to this. I’ll see how I can incorporate your method. Thanks for the input!

Yes, Matheus. To write is very important. When I write I need to search words in my brain. This is a second step, the first is to read and listening. The second one reinforce and it is a proof o a check. To try to remember is also a form of study.
I write about the lesson I listen this day or about simple issues of the day, a little bit. No matter if my writing is bad: the practice makes the master.
Good luck.

A word of advice from me:
Start a journal and keep it in English. Just write about day-to-day stuff, your experiences or thoughts and things you learn or observe. I keep a journal in English myself and I’ve been writing every single day for months now. It’s just for me, it’s in HANDWRITING and I believe that’s the best kind of practice. Then there is no software to correct my spelling or grammar mistakes and that makes everything stress-free!

  • If you write in English a lot on your computer, try installing a Grammarly extension for Chrome. It corrects your writing; spelling, interpunction, etc. I’ve been using it for months as well and I love it!

Yes, Grammary is very useful. I started to use it some weeks ego, I love it. The program makes corrections of spelling and grammatical. It is something a professor. Thanks for the advice.

Thanks for you aswer , and I’ll definitely start to write more often because i think i really need it . Writing is probably my worst skill in english ,so yeah,Thanks again for the advise !!

Thanks for the tips ,I’ve already decided that I’ll write a little every day ,and yes I think it’s better to write in handwriting because everytime i tried to write on computer i tend to use google translator or something like day , I don’t think that this is helpfull because if I go to google translation every time that i don’t know a word i’m not encouraging my brain to think in the target language.So thanks again for the tips ,I really appreciate it :wink:

You’re welcome. Keep in mind what I posted was for single characters only. I also have a deck for words and sentences.

One last question: I’m assuming you just don’t worry about learning how to write the characters? only worry about reading them?