What happened to my points?

I guess we feel that 90 days is such a long time in which to spend your points, it really shouldn’t come down to the last few days. The idea is you should try and buy enough points to last a month but you have 3 months to spend them.

Hello Steve. I am running into the same problem as some others. Only I did not buy the points but worked for them as a tutor. Hence I did not know about the 3 months rule, and nobody told me. When I was offering to be a tutor, it was because I think one of the biggest advantages is, that one can learn whenever one feels like it. As I am living in Switzerland where the cost of living is about 3 times higher than in the United States and, I guess, Canada, I felt it would be more rewarding for me not to be paid by money for my tutoring work (which I do not take lightly and like doing - when I have time) but with points that I can use for my learning Chinese in my spare and fun time - when I choose to do so. Now I saw that half the points I earned with working for lingq are gone. So half of the tutoring I gave for free. Had I known about this rule of 3 months I would certainly have taken the money and not points. I could live with earning a really low amount of money for that type of work considering the cost of living in my country, just because I like the idea of lingq. But I am certainly not willing to work for free. Thank you very much for your time.

Soja, I’m sorry for you, but the fact that points expire is mentioned:


I am sorry that you were not aware of how our points system works. However, we have a system, and as Vera points out, we do make it quite clear as to how the system works. We do not want to make exceptions.

This kind of personal question is probably better dealt with in an email to LingQsupport however, it is useful to raise it on the forum so that people are reminded of how the system works, so I am replying here.

Thank you very much for your replies. I am sorry if I seemed to be rude. Now that I know the rules, I can rethink every thing. I probably should have read all the manuals more carefully. Have a nice day.

I think it’s rather easy to find out how old your oldest points are:
Check how many points you have left (the points balance). Go to the points page, add up all incoming points, ignore the outgoing points because they used up older points, until you have reached your current points balance. The date in this line shows how old your oldest points are. I hope this is correct. Let me know if it isn’t.

Alternatively, you can check the last 90 days and find the earliest day on which you received points. If you haven’t spent that number of points since that day, the reminder are liable to expire on the 90th day from when you received them.