I see that it’s reported as being fixed but today the next page function getting stuck is more broken that before. I have to refresh constantly to get it to go to the next page, which wouldn’t be so bad, but it tends to kick my lesson back 5-10 lines so I need to skip back ahead to get to my original place. It happens most often when I encounter compound LingQs that I made myself - to get around it I’ve been avoiding even using the forward button to go to unknown words as that breaks it more often and just using a pop up dictionary instead.
This is on Chrome.
This has been going on for a week, and it’s getting really annoying.
I found a good stopgap solution for this if you’re really desperate to read on your computer like me: When you get to a page where it won’t go forward, pull up the lesson you’re reading on your phone, click to the next page, then refresh on your computer and you should be on the next page. When you’re done with the lesson you can click the finish button on your phone.
The “cannot complete lesson” bug has mostly been fixed for me, but I am still having problems with a Persian book I imported. I cannot complete any of the lessons. (I am on Mac desktop with Firefox.)