Totally disgusted bad business model

I have premium. Read chapter one of a beginner 2 course and now can’t continue to read unless either pay $$$$$ for premium plus which only gives you 3000 points( course costs 500 points but
some cost 1500) or buy points. But wait it doesn’t let you buy points directly in the app and is not easy to find on the website. Bad business model. Ruined the experience for me.

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There are an extremely tiny proportion of paid lessons on the site. You can also import darn near limitless content.

Saying this ruined the experience is like visiting Rome and claiming the food is bad after having a hotdog at a street stand. There is other food. Don’t eat there.


I didn’t even know there were paid lessons on this platform.


I saw them in French, not Greek.

Those specific paid lessons require an additional point to purchase them. We only have a few paid courses in some languages. Those are courses imported by specific content providers who require additional payment for their content.
But again, there are only 2-3 paid courses in some languages, while 99.99% of courses are completely available to Premium members without any extra costs.

Points can be bought under Settings > Points on the site.

Hope this explains it.


There’s a ton of material available in many languages that is included with a LingQ subscription at no additional cost. With a paid subscription you have the option of importing other material for your own use. Just skip the paid lessons if you aren’t interested in them.

I will NEVER run out of great material for my languages, because I understand how to use LingQ. Your account says that you joined in 2021 but describes you as a new user, which I suppose is based on your activity on the site/app.

You need to learn how to make LingQ’s features work for you. That may take some time, but it is well worth the cost of the subscription to me. Please spend some time to find out what other material LingQ has available in your target languages, and how to import new material.

Good luck!


Wow, “disgusted” is a very strong word. Are you ok?


The story must have been very compelling! :slight_smile: