Suddenly my known words changed from about 130 to 275 - What's happening and how to reverse it?

Was just finishing my morning learning session, linking words.

Suddenly my known word count changed, I hopped from 14x invested time to 42x (!!) and i got crazy amount of “free coins”.

A lot of an imported text which was blue changed to white. And what’s mostly frustrating I have no clue what I now learned or not and have to go through the whole text again.
The “automated convert to known words function when turning the page” is turned off in settings.

What’s happening and how to reverse it?

Thank you for your support!

Additional note:
I am new to this but using it for about two weeks no, I deliberately turned off this function in the beginning. As I was checking just now, it was turned on again! I wasn’t in the settings at all - how can it turn itself on again?

Settings are saved in cookies, so if you cleared browser cookies, that’s the reason your settings reset.

Also, keep in mind that even with this settings disabled, when you click the complete Lesson option on the last page, all your blue words for the whole lesson will be moved to known. There is no reason to keep blue words. The idea is that you either need to learn them or they are known (or you can ignore words).

Having said that, you can click on all white words to make them blue again and create LingQs for them. So, if you are reading, and come across a word you incorrectly marked as known or ignored, just click on it to make it blue.