Spanish law to ban dubbed films?

Hi everybody.

The languages teaching at the school does not allow understand and speak a foreign language so little because the teaching is based on the learning of the grammar before to listen and read.

The input (cf. Luca Lampariello) is the first step then the reading and the learning of the vocabulary. It is the same problem in France. It seems that there is the recurring problemn which we can observe in other countries also.

The speaking time in the class of 26 pupils that is to say 60 minutes divided by 26 pupils for example : 2 minute and 30 second of speaking time provided that the teacher keeps silent does not allow it can develop optimal skills in language.

It is to say that the children are frustrated. They felt frustrated and unable to show language skills. I think that it is the good deal for sensibilization children and people, young people that to the foreign languages can learn otherwise.

The Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy wants to boost children’s knowledge of English. I think it is a good idea.

There is a lot of people which like looking at movies in version original under title in French (streaming) and it’s free.

Améliorez votre anglais avec vos films et séries tv préférés - allez sur!
Fleex (Français) - YouTube

The Spaniard are very fortunate. isabelle.gomez

Well, it’s interesting to hear different opinions on this. I am surprised to see how relaxed some people seem to be about this proposal.

I’ll say again: the big problem I see is that the Spanish government (apparently?) wants to force this new arrangement onto all Spanish people - regardless of whether they want it or not.

Why not just give the people a free choice? Why not say to cinemas and TV companies: “hey guys, feel free to offer any versions you like”

People who know English well (or those who want to improve their English) could go to the showings in the original soundtrack, or could make the appropriate choice with digital TV - no problem.

Other people (older folks maybe?) who just want to enjoy some relaxing entertainment could choose to see the dubbed version.

How can it be okay to tell people how they have to watch films?

For me, it’s wrong in principle to have an authoritarian “nanny-state” where the government interferes in every detail of the lives of citizens for their supposed good. I really can’t understand why a population would even tolerate this? (I’m certain there would be uproar if our government tried something similar!)

I can’t help wondering what is next on the agenda for Mr Rajoy? Is he going to pass laws telling people what to eat, and how much alcohol they are allowed per week, etc, etc?

(Why not? If it’s cool for him to tell all people what language they must watch films in
why would he stop there?)

Completely agree with Jay

Plus, as I wrote before, motivation’s the most important factor in learning.

I think that the journalist James Badcock already had a bias and that he influenced the reader. Moreover, he didn’t give statistics. It seems to me that James Badcock does not specify absolutely not on the future modalities of application of this law. According to me, he remains unclear on this point. There are several ways you can approach on this.
That’s allright, the motivation is the most important factor in learning and yes, it’s very interesting to hear different opinions on this.

Well, I may just have to take my personal revenge on Señor Rajoy for all of this!

By learning Spanish!


Oh, sweet revenge :slight_smile:

Yeah, we’ll show that whiskery rascal! :stuck_out_tongue:

(Seriously - I may even do this! After Italian it would be relatively easy for me, I think

“I think that movies are the worst approach to learn a language”

How so?

I guess it depends a lot on the film(s) that one is using? :slight_smile:

I mean, if someone tried to learn English by watching ‘Terminator’, he/she would basically end up being able to say things like “I’ll be back” and “I need your clothes your boots and your motorcycle” - all of which would be tersely growled in an Austro-American Arnie accent! :smiley:

(But one can actually learn a lot from the better quality types of film and TV viewing, IMO.)

Yeah, it’s a great achievement for me that you learn spanish and a sweet revenge :slight_smile: and me I’m sharpening my english comprehension skills.

“Maybe they are trying to strengthen the Spanish film industry by decreasing the popularity of Hollywood fare to most ordinary cinema goers
or something

The article mentioned that this was the nominal reason why Portugal banned dubbing in 1948.

il me semble les meilleurs films du cinéma français vous pouvez regarder sur

You can watch a spanish films online in this website

I think it was “Your clothes. Give it to me”. As a matter of fact I don’t remember any specific sentence that I learned watching Woody Allen. On the other hand Arnold also teach me “you forget the third rule” or was it “forgot” ? Of course I agree a speaking movie is better for learning languages.

Films and tv series lose quality because they are shown in the original version? how so?

I believe it’s the opposite!. I can’t stand dubbed things, they sound SO fake, it’s like watching a completely different film, a bland one.
And dubbers (if that is a word) are just a few bunch of people and you end up listening to the same voices in all the films and tv series.It’s preposterous! :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t own a tv set either, but I know for a fact that since we have digital tv one can choose to listen to the original version in almost every film, tv series or documentary. You do have the choice!.

Regarding the cinema theaters, at least in Madrid, the ones that show films subtitled are quite popular these last years and you can watch most films with subtitles.

“Apparently they are also thinking of forcing all schools to use only Spanish for instruction rather than regional languages like Catalan or Basque - which is again horribly illiberal, IMO. (But then again, these regions are actively trying to break away and become independent from Spain, so in the near future they may decide their own laws

You got that wrong Prinz. They DO decide their own laws regarding education. For some decades now.

In Cataluña ALL public schools and universities use ONLY Catalan, Spanish is taught only in 1 class where you study Spanish, like you have an English class where you study English.

In the Basque Country you have 3 choices in public schools: you can have everything in Basque, everything in Spanish or half-half. I find the last option is the smartest one. At least you can choose.

In Madrid, public schools are changing to being bilingual, they want them all to be bilingual in the future, every new school is bilingual and the old ones are doing the change as fast as they can. Half the subjects you do in Spanish and the other half in English.

I don’t know abut the rest of Spain, but I believe public schools aren’t bilingual, it’s just a Madrid thing. But I can’t say for sure.

At this rate Madrid is going to end up like Los Angeles! :slight_smile:

(But maybe those schools should be bilingual in Spanish-German now that we are leaving the EU??)

For one thing postsynchronised movies or series are more easy to listen to and dubbed one are always postsynchronised.

As for quality, some dubbing are better than the vo others are worst.

One thing spanish law makers should consider is the jobs. More people will work in dubbing than in subtitling.