Spam lessons in the library

sorry my english is terrible, I meant I wanted to say something about this but my limited English does not allow me, I’m jealous of you = D

I think it is unreasonable to award ‘value’ points as Vera explains because value is based on the aggregate interest of others, not the effort you put into it. The key is how to measure the interest. Currently it is measured by downloads. I am guessing it is not accurate because people download things they don’t read. Is there any other way to measure interest that is easy to understand and implement?

I would only award points for a lesson after the user presses “I know all” (normally the point when a lesson has been studied). That also is a hint that somebody liked the lesson and the creator should be rewarded. Maybe the length of the lesson should act as a “point multiplier”.

Many people (including me) load a lesson, look at it, and delete it - for such a “download” I would not award anything.

Just my opinion.

Nice idea. I also like the idea of point multiplier for length… but I wonder if shorter lessons should be encouraged so that people can get more “bite sized” content. It will not lead to many “ten second lessons” because then the format would reduce the interest, obviously. (Personally I like long lessons in languages I know well, and short ones in languages I am still intermediate in.)

I admit that, about two years ago, I uploaded about half a book in Russian from Librivox. I did it because I was planning to (one day) study it myself, and I thought, as the Russian library wasn’t as full then as it is now, that someone else might use it. I have never listened to it and am in no position to judge it’s usefullness or sound quality or anything. I know better now and would not upload something that I knew very little about.

When we eventually get a rating system for the library it will help sort out the good stuff from the rubbish.

By the way I rarely click on “I know all”, because then I would get non-words counted too.

Yes, for the providers the ‘I know all’ rule is not really just, because it excludes all free members. I never click all because I do not LingQ. So I only have finished a few beginners lessons, because after a while I do know all the words in them. So the system on deviding the points is based on ‘beginners’ lessons, and on the paying members which do click ‘I know all’. Not really just in my opinion. So for this reason, the librivox texts do not really form a threat to win many points…

It is the preferences and the usage by paying members that matters the most to our community in my view.

Helen, I wish you would click “I know all” . I do not understand this reluctance.

Awww … Albert, I just had to say that I really enjoy your content, it’s helping me learn Spanish in a fun and interesting way.

I agree that sometimes it is difficult and time consuming to find content I like in the library. I tend to just search the providers I have used and liked in the past.

Thank you Angela! This is much appreciated!
I was really frustrated and disappointed the other day! As usual, time helps to play down things.
I would really like to see those changes/improvements Mark was talking about soon (I’ll be patient), but meanwhile, I think I will keep on uploading new content. At least, the one I was working on (Sin noticias de Burg collection, which is far from being finished).

Albert, I agree with Angela that your content has been very helpful to me! Although I haven’t been as active on LingQ recently due to working a lot, I will definitely be using more of the items that you have provided. I know that I’m getting a good lesson when I go with your content! Please don’t stop adding items! You’re very valuable on this site!