Some Chinese characters can't be highlighted or LingQ'd

Not quite - Cantonese will need to meet our language requirements before we will give another look at adding it: New Languages on LingQ

It would have been great to add Cantonese back when we initially looked into it, but after several days of research (which is a lot, considering we’re such a small team), we couldn’t find a good solution that would be cost effective and that we could be confident would work well for our learners.

In most cases, having something half-baked is far worse than having nothing at all, and I’m sure we’d receive a much larger number of complaints about Cantonese had we added it back then, as it would have been in a largely broken state without a lot of additional work to fix it up.

Actually the people who pushed for Cantonese and helped make Cantonese on top of your vote list were ready and eager to contribute (in their own words) tons of contents. They withdrew silently after being disappointed.

Ah, yes. The issue that prevented us from adding Cantonese before was not a lack of content, but due to technical hurdles that we realized were much more difficult to overcome that we had originally expected.

If LingQ members are able to collect and create enough content to meet our requirements then we would feel a lot more pressure to get Cantonese working :slight_smile:

I look forward to your spacing solution. When is the next update scheduled?

Regarding the parsing issue - I hope you will work it to completion even if it’s time consuming. There are a lot of parsers that work better than Lingq’s, so I think you are correct in making it next in line.

After that, imo, the op’s problem is probably the most pressing. And finally, there are still google problems, which I think you are aware of and working on for all languages. In my mind, these should all be done before enhancements are made.

We ended up updating today, so the spacing fix is now live. Please let us know if there are any other issues with spacing!

We’re focusing largely now on the Lesson page - it’s a very complicated page with lots of code, and as a result there are sometimes strange issues that occur which are difficult to reproduce. We’ve got a list of items now that we’re making our way through, and will hopefully make good progress over the coming weeks!

I just checked in Safari & Chrome, both old and new lessons, hidden spacing. Japanese looks correct now - thanks! But there appears to have been no change to Chinese.

Hmm, Chinese looks to be correct for me. Would you start a new thread on the Chinese spacing issue so we can follow up on this one separately?

That won’t be necessary - it’s working now. I didn’t realize that sometimes it takes more than one selection of the hide spacing option to get it to work. Good job!

OK, glad to hear it :slight_smile:

Alex, I do wish you all the best with fixing the incorrect linking of characters in Chinese. As an absolute beginner, I found that this problem made understanding meanings very difficult. I have avoided using LingQ for Chinese for quite some time because of this problem and have been sticking with ChinesePod and Memrise instead. Now that I am making some definite progress and understanding more, I have started to use LingQ again. I realise that this is a difficult problem to fix, but to fix it is absolutely necessary.