Sie sind um einiges älter: would all Germans express this

Thanks to you all, the German library is stocked with as many goodies as the online bakeries we have looked at. Certainly I appreciate the specific suggestions. This time around I am going to approach the study of German in baby steps, so it is going to take me some time, but I intend to explore everything, especially the radio dramas. This will mean, however, that I won’t be able to produce any TV scripts for Vera. I should say I already listened to Ein Podcastkrimi a couple years ago. It was quite difficult for me, but I did like it very much. I even learned about the American singer Robin Stine (I let that be my mystery :slight_smile: ).

Indeed, SanneT, German is a marvelous language, rich in literature and as you say rich in expressions. “Auf Widerhören” has no equivalent in any language I know. And I certainly prefer Hörspiel to radio drama, even if unlike Robert I don’t listen to Russian dramas.