Should We Fire Lingq's Staff, Mark and Zoran?

1.) Yes, it really does.

2.) So was I

3.) Yes they would.

4.) Okay.

I strongly suspect that you are trying to troll the thread, so note that I will make no further comment about this.

Give real life examples from normal people, where one person asks a question directly to two people and then clarifies who they are talking to by stating the persons names.

Nobody, say, sat at a dinner table with two people, would ask the two people if they want some wine and then repeat their names. “Do you guys want some wine, Jim and Bob?” Absolute NONSENSE and you know it.

You can pretend that would happen if you like but you’re just plain wrong.

End of chat.

‘Trolling’ round here is defined as ‘people saying stuff we don’t like’ or ‘people putting right our wrongs’.

‘Teachers’ here and elsewhere online are spreading nonsense about English to people trying hard to learn it.

Let’s not point that out though, we don’t want to rock the little LingQ boat.

I refuse to play along with the naive niceties because feeble people get offended at someone who continually has to put a spanner in the thread because they contain nonsense.

Here’s an idea - my ‘trolling’ (as per your nonsense definition which i describe above) would stop if you lot stopped spouting absolute tripe in every thread.

Until then it’s my right to put you all straight at any opportunity.

I liked your other name “Drew Peacock” better, BTW :wink:


It is okay that we not take this argument too far, Prinz and Drew Peacock?

Yes Prinz_Fluffbeard, you would be so perceptive if it weren’t for the fact that I said in a thread that I had changed my name about 15 minutes after doing it.

Yep, turns out our old troll “Drew Peacock” (the one who mocks children with cancer between far right political ranting) has multiple accounts! He has deleted two of them, I see.

Maybe admin will deal with the remaining one (or are there yet more?) in due course?

Merry Christmas - and see you all in the new year! :slight_smile:

It’s funny how easy it is to spot his caustic, rude, paranoid and defensive attitude though. He’s going to have to work harder on his “camuflage”.

Merry Christmas to you too.

Saying someone looks like an ill child is a slight on that person, NOT the child. Why are you too dumb to understand basic concepts like that ?

A) I would explain to you that I’m neither left nor right politically because 1. i don’t believe in political solutions to ANYTHING and 2. left/right paradigm is democratic political thinking and i don’t believe in democracy or any other politics. I would explain this, but you’re too dumb to understand. Even if i were ‘far right’ that’s not illegal and people are entitled to their view. Although you need to check yourself - you’re the one who called me ‘anti semitic’ for saying Steve Kaufmann would defend people ‘like him’ when i was talking about other BUSINESSMEN. Who’s the real racist ? Seems you’re the one with the prejudice as it’s the first thing you think of all the time like a little social justice warrior.

B) As you’ve already demonstrated your complete lack of critical thinking skills by way of your ability to arrive at very poor, way-off-the-mark conclusions, this will probably also go above your head, but i will explain one more time - you see how you change your name all the time on here ? I DO THE SAME THING. THAT means i have ONE account but have used MULTIPLE names, like you and many other people on here do. It’s a profile feature built into the system that i’m using the same as anyone else.

What part of that don’t you understand or are you just a moron ?

Your screaming for me to be banned like a little schoolgirl running to the head teacher is pretty funny. I think this forum means more to you than to me mate.

Ps your beard is rubbish. Beta-male at best, omega at worst.

How is telling people in a thread, ten minutes after changing my name, that i changed my name, ‘camouflage’ exactly ? How exactly does that show i’m trying to hide ? You’re another moron i see.

I didn’t notice that message either but still I managed to see who you are just from your behaviour. I suppose your efforts to prove yourself an utter arsehole to everyone on the site are making you quite unique.

“Saying someone looks like an ill child is a slight on that person, NOT the child. Why are you too dumb to understand basic concepts like that ?”

You must be a social genius or something. Someone should award you a medal for your exquisite taste in making comparisons. Sarcasm aside, though, I’m afraid that very basic concepts are all your mind is capable of understanding. Once you get into the finer details of things it looks to me like you’re fairly lost. Read the quote again if you have trouble understanding what I’m driving at.

“Your screaming for me to be banned like a little schoolgirl running to the head teacher is pretty funny. I think this forum means more to you than to me mate.”

Did you bully the little schoolgirls a lot when in school?