Sharing of "Cuore" completed!

Lateley, I experienced that this happens if a filename contains characters like ä, ö, ü or other strange characters. Check the filename. If this is the case, upload it again.

Vera, do you mean the name of the audio file? If so, none of them contain any non-English letters. Moreover, the playing time doesn’t change and the total time is not showed (it always appears as ?:??).

I have noticed the same problem happens with the audio files of the book I’m uploading at the moment, which are also downloaded from LiberLiber and cut into smaller files with Audacity. I cannot find any settings to modify either in Audacity or on LingQ.

Yes, it was the name of the audio file that caused this problem. But maybe there are more other reasons. I remember that I had the same problem with an English audio and I couldn’t find a reason. The admin should help here :wink:

I have just opened those Italian lessons on the iLingQ app: I could press “pause” and then the audio started from the point where I had stopped it. So, I don’t think it’s a file-related problem, but rather a site-related one. I think I did listen to some files from “Cuore” after uploading them, but I never noticed this issue, so it may be a temporary one (hopefully).

Can anyone from the staff check this problem, please? Even after the major update to the lesson page, it’s still impossible to pause the audio and restart it from the same point. I understand it can be annoying for my students. A solution could be to download the audio file and listen to it with an mp3 player.

@mikebond - It looks like your audio files have a frequency of 44100 which is causing problems with our player. If you change the frequency to 22050 hz, it should work fine. I have changed one of your files for “Cuore” - Capitolo 5: Febbraio > Una medaglia ben data. 4, sabato and it works fine now. You can change the frequency in Audacity. We will also add a check for this on our end. Thanks for letting us know.

Thanks for your answer, Mark. I think I had read in the help page that the frequency could also be of 44100, but I may be wrong. I will have to change all the files, now… a long job! Anyway, it’s good to know this for future uploads.

Mark, now I’m starting to feel a bit frustrated: I have changed the frequency of a lesson to 22050 Hz, but… the result is not different! I opened the mp3 files on Audacity, selected 22050 from the list on the lower part of the window, saved the file and uploaded it to replace the previous one. It still cannot be paused! Please, help me (and the Italian students, most of all)!

Which lesson did you upload the new file for?

The first one: “Capitolo 1: ottobre > Il primo giorno di scuola. 17, lunedì”. I have also tried to open the help page about audio files, but it seems it doesn’t exist at that url any longer.

There is something strange with the file you uploaded. It says it is 22050 hz on the edit lesson page and it says it is 64 kbps but when I open it in another program it says the kbps is 128. Also, when I then export from my program with those settings and upload it, it works fine. I have done this for that lesson now. Somehow, the files you are creating are corrupted, I guess. Or, our system is somehow assigning the wrong bit rate. I really don’t know how. What program are you using and can you try a different way of preparing your mp3 files, or a different program or try adjusting your settings?

I am just using Audacity as you recommend, Mark. And I don’t know any other program. What other settings should I adjust? The bitrate is 64 kbps. I really don’t see what else I can change.

i don’t really know either. Somehow your file is not being prepared properly. Maybe try changing the bitrate to 128 and see if that works.

Mark, to be honest, I don’t feel like spending too much time trying many different settings, with the risk that nothing changes. If the exact problem can be found and you can tell me what I have to do, I will do it, but I won’t spend hours in possibly vain tentatives. Moreover, we are talking about more than a hundred files, not just a couple of them, and I’m pretty sure they worked fine when I uploaded them.

Nikolay (Niksa) has just written to me on Facebook that he also found this problem with a lesson from Beppe Grillo’s blog. If you add to this the fact that the “Cuore” lessons work fine on the iLingQ app, I tend to think that it’s not a problem of the files I have uploaded.

@mikebond - it may be our audio player on LingQ that is having trouble with your files and the player on the LingQ app is fine with them. We will look into what we can do with our flash player.

Thanks, Mark.

I just checked on Marianne’s recording for my French lessons in the library: they are in 44100, which is what used to be stated as a requirement for the LingQ audio uploads. I have no problems with playing, stopping and re-starting those audio files.

I know that my own recordings also use 44100.

Off topic, but : THANK YOU for the little blue frame around the current page! It makes life smoother.

Yeah, I thought it was the frequency because I changed it and it worked but, in fact, any file I upload with 44100 hz also works fine so it’s something in the way Michele is preparing or uploading the file that makes it not compatible with our audio player. We will look into it.