Recent Updates to Known Word Thresholds

Unofficial Known Word Thresholds for most languages in LingQ:

Green figures: Confirmed
Black figures: Extrapolated


  • Russian: Somewhat smaller distance from Adv 1 to Adv 2 in % (compared to other languages)
  • Bulgarian: Beg 1 appears too low, relatively to the other threasholds
  • Indonesian, Cantonese and Malay: Distances between levels (in %) are somewhat smaller for the lower levels, compared to other languages. Apparently these languages use the middle category of the ‘old System’
  • All other languages seem to follow a similar pattern (regarding the distances between the levels in %). Therefore the extrapolated figures should match or at least be very close.


This is excellent work. You’re a champ! Thanks for this!

Additional Languages:

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Das ist großartig. Wir haben hier eine tolle Gemeinschaft, danke!

I have a similar feeling in french as far as ability, but I’m OK with the levels, because it’s about potential. At LingQ A2 we have acquired a vast set of tools and a large pile of materials. At this point is all about using those tools and continuing the glide towards become a master at our new craft. I took a placement test in German a few days ago and had the reverse experience of high school. I completely bombed using the 47 forms (j/k) of the word “the”, but when it came to the listening comprehension I felt strong. In high school (in french), I’d nail the conjugations but have no idea during the listening segments, you know the actual part that matters. Keep it up, I no longer study my A2 language, I live it.