Progress report: LingQ's Created versus LingQ's Learned

Oh my goodness - when can we have an edit function here - I often see mistakes first after sending :frowning:
corr.: …to write more expressions but they were not long in my brain.

This is more or less what I was trying to say at first, you cannot save the entire entry in the dictionary. I mean I have tried, but things kept getting cut off. It seems I have been very unsuccessful in explaining that what I learned from that experience is that I now no longer try to save it all, as that gives me broken off explanations, but I save the noun when I find the noun in a text, and I save the adjective when it is the adjective that I need. I always change the status of the word to unknown after doing this to make sure I will use the flashcards, but sometimes the word was ‘known’ in its previous form and so I have more ‘learned LingQs’ than ‘LingQs created’. Wow it seems I got really upset there, having my scores published in that way, doesn’t it? Trying to prove I was not doing anything wrong or being lazy and all along making my explanation less and less clear… Sorry for being so messy!

You are in an unusal position I think nicole, you are using a monolingual dictionary for your definitions. I hate monolingual dictionaries for language learning with a passion. They give you a whole essay to explain the simplest word.

I use a Russian - English dictionary for creating my Russian lingQs, and it’s easy. It offers you a 1 sentence definition, drag and drop - sorted!

Is there really no good English-Dutch dictionary out there?

Well, there are paper dictionaries of course, and I have a couple of them. I even have some on cd-rom. They are slower to use, though. I only pick them up to find words that I cannot find using the on line dictionary. Also I find as the vocabulary gets more advanced, translating to Dutch is less useful. I can get very far using a Dutch-French or a Dutch-German dictionary, but in English it is not so useful. I don’t mind having the long explanations, though. They seem to keep me immersed. That is: they keep me immersed in English. My Russian links are of course, in English too :wink: I notice a real difference using the flashcards I have in the English section and all my other flashcards: revising English words takes about three times as much time. It is a good thing that I like flash-carding so much.

Darbanville: Is it possible to actually become fluent in a language when you have learned it entirely within LingQ? With no or little outside input?

PS I understood what you said!!

I am glad you did, Jessica. Sometimes I use too many words and the meaning of what I try to say gets muffled by the noise of all the extra things I’m saying.
To answer your question: I have been with LingQ since April or May, (Mark might know the exact date) and have started learning Japanese from scratch. I find it difficult to make progress without outside input, but that might be because Japanese LingQ is in BETA.
However, obtaining outside input is not difficult. One or two CD’s with songs in your target language or a DVD of your favourite Disney movie with the option to watch it in your target language will soon catch your eye in a store, now that you opened your heart to a new language. Use some extra materials such as these when you feel like training your ear without having to think of the meaning of what you hear.
It needn’t be much. I am using a 12 episode series about a prosecutor in Japanese (a television show of about 40 minutes per episode) and I haven’t needed more outside input yet.
Of course, I don’t speak Japanese fluently at all at present, but I am confident I will soon. I am understanding 30% of what I hear now, and I am not even spending a lot of energy on studying English (about 1,5 day per month).

I realise now that I could also have understood your question as meaning something else. Were you curious whether you need to attend a class outside LingQ, or whether you need to have a grammar book? Or perhaps there is an other meaning that I have not thought of yet? If that is the case, please enlighten me!

Have a good time learning here and where ever else you encounter French!

Thanks for your reply!!

No, you understood my question correctly…