Problems importing audio

I’m having problems importing audio to a specific course.

It seems like the audio is importing but something is getting messed up with the transcription and/or labeling the unknown words and lingqs. The lessons Tor and Loke aren’t showing up with hardly any unknown words. The lesson Idun seemed to import fine. I tried importing the lesson Freja multiple times and as you can see I ended up with way different numbers of unknown words each time.

The first 9 lessons in this course imported ok as far as I can tell, but after that it hasn’t been working.

If you want to troubleshoot the problem, all of the mp3s, titles and photos are available here:

Also, I have two other courses I have been importing audio to daily that seem to be working. So I think it’s only this course that I can’t import to right now.

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Can you try to regenerate lesson under the Edit Lesson page and let me know if that helps?

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I tried regenerating the lessons and it didn’t help. It just took what was already there and bunched all the text into one big paragraph for each lesson.

The lesson titled Loke wouldn’t let me get to the lesson edit page. I just got to a page that said lesson failed to import so I deleted it and tried importing it again. It failed to import again.

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Where are you importing the content from? Can you send the lesson URL to so that I can look into it for you?

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The mp3s are podcasts from sveriges radio. There’s a link to them at the bottom of my original post.

I sent you an email of that link along with the course url. The last 6 lessons are the ones I’ve been having problems with.

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Thanks, I’ll look into it.

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