Probably a known bug but I'd love it if it's fixed

I would really like to listen and read along to the text at the same time in the normal view where you can lookup unknown words. I use LingQ on my my iPhone. It seems like there’s a feature where if you start the audio and then minimize the window that pops up you can read along with the audio in the regular view and it underlines the text . Except it doesn’t seem to work. I just generated audio using the AI voice built into LingQ and I was searching for the underline and nothing was there. Then a couple minutes later it appeared… at the beginning and completely out of sync with the audio.

I also tried doing this with a lesson that is linked to a YouTube video as it would be so nice to listen to a real person while reading. But it seems like that is completely impossible unless I’m missing something.

Also, if you could add an option to have it automatically play the audio first to the sentence mode that would be amazing.

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Thanks, we will investigate that.