Polyglot speaks 32 languages


Yes, that’s one of the videos I saw. There is another one where this Alex guy is interviewing a fellow student in Hebrew. (BTW On his blog he says that he taught himself the language using the book ‘Colloquial Hebrew’: for me that almost feels as if he is taking the p*ss out of ordinary mortals! If he can become fluent in Hebrew using just this book, then he really and truly is a genius!)


Yes of course, I’m sure that ordinary folks would be made 100% welcome at the conference :wink:

But personally I would still feel like a phoney “Einschleicher” if I attended - as I said above. Maybe “Einschleicher” isn’t really das richtige Wort? Was ich damit sagen wollte: ich hätte einfach das Gefühl, als würde ich nicht dort hingehören, verstehst du? Ich meine, wenn sich eine ganze Menge Leute (wie Richard, Alex Rawlings, usw) dort befinden…naja…dass man nur EINE Fremdsprache kann, ist schon irgendwie ein Bisschen blöd, nicht wahr? ¦:-[]