Please add the ability to check/add word meanings with synchronized text

Given the pages don’t turn automatically in page view, and you can’t check or add word meanings in synchronized text view, the site and app are pretty useless if you are trying to watch while cooking etc.

The lack of auto page-turning also makes it very difficult to watch videos without constantly touching the device to not lose track of where you are. Having it so the synched text can be interacted with would make this a lot easier.


Both the app and the web version contain sort of a karaoke view you can use.

The problem with the browser application is that if you watch in video mode, you can’t look up words and sentences unless you switch to text mode, But when you do switch to text mode, you discover that the text mode is still at page 1, even though the audio is somewhere else. So you then have to search for your current place in the text, and in my experience with a long video that is impossible, rendering the browser application completely useless. I was told by a LingQ staff member that this is by design and hence not a bug. This has happened to me so often that I now don’t bother to report bugs. It appears that they intentionally design in bugs.

The iOS app synchronises the audio with the transcript. It’s not perfect, sometimes the current line is off screen, rendering the app useless, though in their defence this seems to happen less often these days. I assume that they have largely fixed this issue.

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My favourite statement. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. :rofl:

You are right with everything you’ve written. I’ve just assumed that the op might not know this viewmode and it may still be of some value.

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Please note that, at the moment, in Synchronized Text mode, word interaction is indeed not available by design. To check or add word meanings, use the Page View or Sentence View options.

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@tiago-ribeiro Can you see the issue?!


@Obsttorte I asked our team to check this.