New Collection in the German Library: Veras Tagebuch!

Two versions of one story for different levels:
VD #537, Eifel, 8. Tag, Lavakeller (Beginner 2)

VT #537, Eifel, 8. Tag, Lavakeller (Intermediate)

Vera’s Diary for beginners:
VD #538, Eifel, 8. Tag, Lava-Dome

Veras Tagebuch:
VT #538, Eifel, 8. Tag, Lava-Dome

Ich habe gerade die letzten Lektionen zu unserem Eifelurlaub eingestellt:
VD #539, Eifel, 8. Tag, Laacher See

VT #539, Eifel, 8. Tag, Laacher See

Bereits vor zwei Jahren habe ich diese Lektion erstellt. Es ist eine nette kleine Geschichte über eine Freundin meiner Tochter, die an Heimweh litt, als sie bei uns war.
Mehr dazu in der neuen Folge meines Tagebuchs. Die Folge gibt es in einer einfachen Variante für Anfänger in “Vera’s Diary for beginners” und für Mittelstufenlerner in “Veras Tagebuch”. Text und Audio findet man natürlich wie immer in der Bibliothek von LingQ.

Link zur Sammlung Vera’s Diary for beginners:

VD #228, Heimweh

Link zur Sammlung Veras Tagebuch:

VT #228, Heimweh

Great little story, Vera. BTW the last link above doesn’t work.

It works from the collection.

Thanks from me also. What a neat way of dealing with the problem of a homesick child in the middle of the night! Was this the same ‘Maria’ as the one who tried to light the candle?

I’m glad that you like the story. There was a space in the link. I’ve corrected it. Thank you for letting me know.

@Rae: Yes, it is the same Maria, but I’ve to admit that this is not the real name of the girl.

I didn’t know the relation between Vera’s diary for beginners and this collection. I’m going to study ‘‘Veras Tagebuch’’ in addition to the VDiary. It’ll be useful!! Good idea, Vera.

Thank you, Marianne. Vera’s diary is much more popular (I guess there are more members on a lower level), but Veras Tagebuch allows you to fill the gap between Beginner and Intermediate level in a comfortable way.

At first, I only studied Vera’s Diary (even though I know about the Tagebuch). Now I always study the two together.

I have also sometimes set myself the challenge of “writing” a version that would come between the two in complexity. I find that enjoyable and good practice.

You have great content vera!!! Good audio and easy writing for us beginners!! I love that you know how to use short lines, prhases and your entries aren’t just a big ugly blob of text without form, love your lessons!!!

Thank you David. I’m glad that you appreciate my efforts to help German learners. It was a lot of work to create these lessons, but it was a lot of fun too. Such nice feedback lets me stay motivated :slight_smile:

Beim Friseur / At the hairdresser

Lest und hört von meinem Friseurbesuch in der neuen Folge meines Tagebuchs. Die Folge gibt es wieder in einer einfachen Variante für Anfänger in “Vera’s Diary for beginners” und für Mittelstufenlerner in “Veras Tagebuch”. Text und Audio findet man natürlich wie immer in der Bibliothek von LingQ.

Link zum Kurs Vera’s Diary for beginners:

VD #035, Beim Friseur

Link zum Kurs Veras Tagebuch:

VT #035, Beim Friseur

Stau / Traffic jam

Lest und hört einige meiner Gedanken zu Staus in der neuen Folge meines Tagebuchs. Die Folge gibt es wieder in einer einfachen Variante für Anfänger in “Vera’s Diary for beginners” und für Mittelstufenlerner in “Veras Tagebuch”. Text und Audio findet man natürlich wie immer in der Bibliothek von LingQ.

Link zum Kurs Vera’s Diary for beginners:

Vera’s Diary for beginners: VD #036, Stau

Link zum Kurs Veras Tagebuch:

Veras Tagebuch: VT #036, Stau

Im Optikmuseum / In the museum of optics

In the museum of optics - Lest und hört von unserem Besuch im Optikmuseum in der neuen Folge meines Tagebuchs. Den Text habe ich schon vor einigen Jahren geschrieben, aber nie vertont, und jetzt habe ich ihn wiederentdeckt. Die Folge gibt es wieder in einer einfachen Variante für Anfänger in “Vera’s Diary for beginners” und für Mittelstufenlerner in “Veras Tagebuch”. Text und Audio findet man natürlich wie immer in der Bibliothek von LingQ.

Link zum Kurs Vera’s Diary for beginners:

VD #229, Im Optikmuseum

Link zum Kurs Veras Tagebuch:

VT #229, Im Optikmuseum

Hallo! I have a question. I see in both VD and VT lesson numbers that go quite high yet I don’t see, for example, 500 lessons. Where can I find all of them?

Hi, the lessons are divided in three groups. The lessons with numbers below #200 are about daily life. Lessons starting from #200 are about events in my life or interesting things we did. I guess this is the part I like the most. And Lessons with #500 or above are about some holiday trips. For almost every episode there is a simplified version in “Vera’s Diary for beginners” and an advanced version in “Veras Tagesbuch”. About our trip to the USA there is another collection, but for advanced learners only.

I have written more episodes, but never recorded them because the compensation for content providers is very, very low and since the latest update on LingQ it dropped again drastically. So I lost motivation.

There should be around 80 lessons available. Enjoy!

That’s a real shame, Vera, as your content is excellent, and there’s really not all that much publicly available in the LingQ library for German learners. I just caught your post regarding the fact that we should not share DW content - just in time, actually, as I had today shared my upload of Jojo sucht das Glück - which does explain the lack of such material. I am, therefore, particularly sad to hear you aren’t being remunerated to the level you would wish, as an original content creator for LingQ.