Nailbiter election

I did not attack him back, that’s my point. I was asking him because I am curious as to what he actually likes about America seeing as he is attacking every single element of american society in his posts here and in another thread while praising Scandinavian politics (tho not directly). He’s not discussing anyone’s temperament. In fact, he’s not discussing anything. He’s throwing claims around like candy without even trying to support them. What does a “dumpster fire of a tax plan” even mean?

If you want to attack a party’s actions, I think it would be a good idea to specify what actions you are actually against. I can be very specific about what policies I like from Trump, dislike of Hillary as illustrated by my posts in my and usablefiber previous “discussion”. I tried to pull out specifics from him with zero results so that I have no choice but to retort to fundamentals like American values.

Being american is not about praising it’s values, it’s about where you are born and where you have citizenship. I did not dispute those. I honestly think he would be a better fit in Scandinavia based on the policies he supports.

I am not even going to bother responding to your ad-hominem about my language skills.

It’s only a nailbiter because Clinton is so seriously flawed. Trump is probably the only one she could beat. That’s why the dems were rooting for him to win the primary.

Both of these candidates are so terrible, I refuse to vote for either one of them, regardless of how upset that makes others feel. To those people I say - if we would all stop being so afraid and vote for the candidate that we really want to vote for, we wouldn’t have to settle for the scum of the earth. Do you think things will be different next election? Will that be the election when you finally vote for who you want to vote for, or will you be too afraid again?

Oh the election will absolutely be different next year. Hillary style democrats won’t have a chance next go around. The left wing base will not stand for anything less than a genuine progressive. I completely agree the DNC picked the wrong candidate and if they didn’t do everything in their power to prevent Bernie from getting media coverage, I think he would have won. The Democratic party should have been aware that, rightly or wrongly, Hillary is a flawed politically speaking and getting behind her was a complete mistake. If Biden or O Malley had made it here this election wouldn’t be close at all.

Clinton’s team did a lot more than just deny Bernie media coverage, but I think you know that. I wish you were right about corporatist dems being through, but most indications don’t support that imo. I think it will take frequent grass root efforts/protests ala Bernie/occupy over the next 4 years to get another candidate in a decent position to win in 2020.

I am on the verge of having a heart attack I’m so nervous. We have a razor thin margin between electing A qualified candidate or The next hitler who has the intellect of a tree stump and the impulse control of a grease fire… to the most powerful office in the world.

We calling Trump hitler now? Really? Welcome to kindergarten

Sorry, I should have said Mussolini James Taylor: Donald Trump ‘Isn’t Hitler. He’s Mussolini’ – Rolling Stone

“Can’t wait for Trump to make America great again”

You have probably already explained in other threads, but why do you think Trump will make America great again? I am not interested in arguing about the issue; I am just interested in why people think this. Specifically, I am interested in what you think it in fact means to make America great again and why you think that Trump is capable of achieving this.

Lets take a look at how much the stock market will tank tomorrow when trump wins.

It will tank, but it will eventually come back. As long as you don’t panic and sell, everything will be ok. I’ve witnesses 4 or 5 really big drops over the past 30 years or so, and they all work themselves out.

Any news from Yutaka?

Yutaka has gone hikikomori.

As long as it’s not harakiri.

The cast members at SNL said that he couldn’t read so he just tried to add lib every sketch.

Tarris1, are you a US national living abroad or a Norwegian national?

Yeah just look at that big drop (up).

Totally agree. The anti Trump people keep making the most ridiculous, groundless charges against Trump. There is plenty to attack Trump for, but the Trump haters lose all sense of reality and feel the need to make up stuff to attack him for. An example is one joker on here, a language learning site, is making fun of Melania Trump’s accent and English language skills. Really? The woman speaks six languages fluently. I am going to bet she can blow the drawers off the liberal child who attacked her. But the Trump haters have no limits. He is terrible but he is more fit to be in office as Hillary should never have been allowed to run. I am astonished how uninformed the Hillary supporters are about what she actually did. If they did it they’d never have a clearance again and likely go to jail or at least get a huge fine. Either they do not know or they do not care. They just hate Trump. I myself held my nose and voted for him. I’d have voted for almost anyone else on the planet except her. She lost the election for a lot of reasons such as the PROVEN corruption and mishandling of classified materials is at least a part. To the uninformed/illogical/dishonest, when it comes to the mishandling of classified info, she herself has apologized for the Server and emails and how she’d “never do it again”. None of us would ever get away with that. That is a big deal and is enough to disqualify her.

Good job you hit two of the worst traits of the Republicans. If times are bad the solution is tax cuts to spark the economy. If times are good. we need to cut taxes. Yet our debt grows and is getting out of control. And the anti science nonsense.

You forgot to mention that the democrats have turned into borderline anarchists.

  1. They don’t give a lick about Hillary’s corruption and mishandling of classified data.
  2. They condone (don’t say a word) all the BLM nonsense including suggesting killing police officers.
  3. Allow rioting and looting to go unpunished. “We gave them room to destroy” as an example. Then deny they said it or claim it is out of context even though we have the whole speech. Never mind they were protesting someone getting shot while assaulting a police officer and attempting to steal his gone.
    Bottom line, both partys stink. The hope is Trump will rise to the occasion which he may. There are already good signs. Hillary would have been more of the same and we were sliding. At least Trump offers a chance.

Here is my shot. The politicians of both partys for a long time feel like they are not looking out for OUR interests.
For example

How can bringing in low priced hardworking competition (and some parasites) help Americans who work those same jobs or need those same resources? The immigrants are in general decent hard working people (my wife is one) but it does not help Americans competing for the same jobs. How is this a selling point to working class democrats? And we won’t even mention the dangerous immigrants of which there are some. Trump MIGHT fix this or at least slow it down. I think we can all agree he has made this clear.

First economics is very complicated and I am not an expert by any means. It appears to a layman that the US is getting squashed in the trade deals. And the things Trump says at least sound good (again, not an economic expert). The idea that we have people like Caroline Kennedy and other political appointees negotiating trade deals (if true) sounds like something horrifying. Trump might improve on with good appointees and I truly believe he will appoint competent people in most if not all of his positions. This differs from what normally happens, especially with democrats, who appoint people they owe favors to. Time will tell but as Trump was in the real world he really might be different than what we have had.

Independance :
He does not owe donors (as far as we know) unlike normal politicians who get in power. Hopefully he can do what is in our interests and not that of Wall Street (reference Hillary’s speeches to Wall Street). Only someone as Rich as him could have pulled this off. Just hope he is sincere.

We have had 8 years of civil unrest with people even cheering cop killers. Trump is not going to jump on the side of the protestors.

He is not Hillary.

Trump has an opportunity if he takes it to truly make a difference. Trump is not beholden as all the rest of our politicians are other than maybe Bernie. Trump may rise to the occasion butI am skeptical. But we know what Hillary would have done, she has shown us. He has been given the supreme honor in being elected PRESIDENT. He will end up in history books and I believe he truly wants to make a difference. This may cause him to grow up and really look out for us instead of himself. He alone can dump the bad policies of the republicans and adopt the good policies of the democrats (there are some) and really help working people. No other politician has ever had this kind f independence from their party. I believe there is common ground in the middle that he alone could navigate to. Will Trump do it? Time will tell.