My 90-Day-Challenge as a Beginner in Polish (diary)

Are they paying you?

I wish. :smiley: In my opinion, Memrise is better than Anki. Memrise seems to have a better feel than when using Anki.


X’D You are quite the jokester.

Yeah, David´s one hell of a jokester.

I created a ton of flashcards that I don´t want to delete, but I´ll give Memrise a try.

Welcome to the world of Slavic languages! I am just starting Czech on LingQ. I notice that in so many situations Czechs can understand not only Slovaks but Poles, Croats, etc. The world of travel in these parts will open up to you.

Great to see more discussion about Polish. My wife is a native speaker and I first started learning Polish in 1998 or so after studying German at school in the 1980s. My first course was a Linguaphone course (cassettes and 3 books). It was a great start for me. Over the years I’ve bought many books and in recent years have turned to the internet. The greatest leap in my Polish has come in the last few years after finding some great podcasts and most recently LingQ. Also having a smartphone makes things a lot easier too.

I thoroughly recommend learn Learn Real Polish

LingQ is just wonderful. Currently I’m reading The Da Vinci Code both on paper and bringing the text and audio all into LingQ.

It might surprise some but even though my wife is a native speaker we seldom converse in Polish. We should but we don’t. Having a large family and kids means speaking in English is just quicker. But of course she does help me whenever I ask.

The most frustrating thing for me is vocabulary. Sometimes I can understand most of what is said or written and other times hardly anything. After so many years it can be disheartening - but I just press on.

That´s good news^^

Realpolish looks really good :slight_smile:

I’m trying to start a “let’s-study-polish-by-sharing-vacation-photos”-group, by the way.

“After so many years it can be disheartening - but I just press on.”


Day 5-10

  1. Created 150 “screenshot flashcards” and did my reps.
  2. Worked through beginner 1/2 lessons and lingq and listened to them on my mp3-player
  3. Listened to even more Totentanz, Happysad and Nowoska
  4. Gave Memrise a try
  5. Watched a let’s play of “The Last of Us”
  6. Created a facebook-group for learners of polish (

-My listening comprehension went from “I almost never understand anything” to “I sometimes understand something”.
-115 “known words”

  • Polish spelling starts to make sense
  • Still can’t roll my R’s. I’m getting used to consonant clusters though.
  • Polish sounds “softer” than it did a few days ago. Weird.

Day 11-27

I applied for a job training, had to take a test, succeeded and now I’ll have to focus on learning Business English and Business German for a while. I still want to finish my polish-challenge though. We’ll see…

Is Business German hard for a native German speaker?

The difficult thing with Business German or Business English is that you do not have to know the words only - you have to understand the meaning. You should have some knowledge how business is done. If you have had a job in this field it is not so difficult. But if you have worked in other fields only it can be challenging.

I agree with Vera.^^