Multiple choice flashcards with audio

Anyone know of an app where I can play the audio for a word and then offer multiple choices for the meaning of what’s been heard? I know this sort of feature is often used inside apps like Duolingo, Lingodeer etc, but the correct answer is usually so obvious that this feature is close to useless.

I’d like to try to set up something for myself to learn and test my discrimination between minimal pairs (and triplets, quads etc) which are so common in Vietnamese. So it would work similarly to the Duolingo feature but quite a bit more difficult. One example would be trying to reliably tell the difference between say : mười; mọi; mỗi; một, especially in casual chat, though I know that’s a tough ask.

Or the infamous and classic example in Vietnamese of ma; má; mà; mả; mã; and mạ (which each sound slightly different and have very different meanings :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:)