
I don’t know how good the deck (course) you use on Memrise for Russian is. Memrise perfectly makes senses where hardcore mnemonics are appropriately integrated, say, this Chinese course: Mandarin Reading Survival - by BenWhately - Memrise (I don’t think I would use any mnemonics for French, but it’s probably the best approach for characters)
Once boiled down to a basic flashcarding app Memrise is certainly as out of place as LingQ would be.

Yeah every once in a while I get the ambition to do the 5000 Most Frequent German Words (Sorted)… and then I remember how incredibly incredibly boring it is. The only thing I like about Memrise is that I get to type the words out and learn how to spell them.

Something that I think Memrise does quite well is teach alphabets and the like for unfamiliar writing systems. It would have been great for learning Hiragana or Katakana (syllabaries) when I first started learning Japanese. I wish LingQ had a decent way of teaching new writing systems to its users. It is one of the few things that this site just doesn’t do. I can’t imagine it is a good thing that one of the most frequent questions about Japanese that new users on LingQ ask is how to learn Hiragana or Katakana and the best answer anyone can come up with amounts to “go elsewhere”. Not exactly the first thing you want new users to hear.

Edit: I just realized that I said basically the same thing earlier in the thread. Apologies for repeating myself.