Mandarin Chinese Resources


如果老外问中国朋友们:“你觉得哪些电视节目好看 / 值得看一下” “可不可以给我推荐一下前五的”, 那大多数人可能会给你这个建议–《舌尖上的中国》. 我不知道为什么那么火.可能有几个原因,第一个可能是中国人对中国菜有很大的兴趣,很大的热爱,还有可能这个节目用精彩的风景,丰富的食物材料,让人流口水,还有可能让中国人感到骄傲.

还有其他的原因吗? 最近问了中国人这个问题回答包括下面反馈:




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English has “spelling bees”, Chinese has…





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Chat radio. Part 2.

Which country has the best language policy in the world?


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Thanks for preparing this lesson. You can share it with friends. But do you have permission to post SBS material publicly? I tried to get permission to use ABC material and was quoted thousands of dollars for access to one podcast series.

The permission (from SBS rights management) is, currently, subject to linking the audio download. It would be more helpful if lingq support did this directly through the download. Lingq don’t have a download link for text, so it bewilders my why they can’t make exception for high quality material, and change the download link to suit copyright requests. Regardless, SBS are aware of the thread and have yet to call it back. The transcript is my own.

Which Chinese national is closest to a Nobel Prize in Economics? Audio and transcript.

Yes, I am aware of the myriad tangents this topic could take. Not on this thread, please. That goes for westerners and the 50 cent crowd, alike. Thank you.


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李炜 haha。



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The changing face of Westerners on Chinese TV


Reminds me of this discussion:

Bio, Greg Gilligan:


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朱力安 vs 大山

Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3:


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Hugh Jackman: on X-men and learning Chinese (well, kinda)



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Filed under the “only in China/Shanghai…” sub-heading.

Transcripts not perfect, but enough to give you the vocab. The street interviews are great.

University without walls

21 year old mensa goddess


World cup fans

Dancing ayi~s

Gaokao fraud

More dancing ayi~s thought burps

What Children’s Day gift is best?

Shanghai dating/marriage-material tastes


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“I was literally doing 8-10 hours everyday for 4 or 5 years learning Chinese. I think it really helped me because I was able to read, I wouldn’t say anything, but I think the average person, the average Chinese person, even the average university student, what they can read, I think most of it I can read.

People always ask me; you know how Chinese is so hard to study, what did you do?..I’m trying to study and it is so hard, I spend time and it’s still too hard, and my answer is always –well, spend more time then. There’s no secret. Every single person, that up til now, I mean I cannot think of one person, who told me, you know I am working so hard and I still don’t find a way to study properly to learn a language, not one of those people did an average of even 6-8 hours for 4 to 5 years. You know: 6-8 hours everyday,5 years,non-stop. …do that.”

“I learned most of my Chinese by myself in France, so my work was all about creating a Chinese environment around me, using all means I could think of.”

“Give three intense years of your life to Chinese, and you will be superficially fluent.”

“Some people believe talking a lot is key. Can be true, but don’t forget that talking a lot means repeating your own mistakes all the time! Then it becomes harder and harder to get rid if them. Talking a lot works only if you pay a lot of attention to listening all the time and always assume that you’re still missing something.”

“among all those people who say that it is because I’m gifted I don’t know of one person who has studied as hard as I did during the first 4 years. I was basically 24/7, and tried all possible ways in order to know Chinese as well as my mother language.

Also the biggest aspect about being gifted I think is that I’m able to try all those ways of studying a language, change and combine them when I need too, and most importantly to know very quickly what doesn’t work."

“I used to skip all the grammar explanations systematically at the beginning and I definitely would still do it now, but I always was aware of each tone, should it be from the book or the dictionary.”

“Most of the time people who always ask WHY are bad learners, because there’s not much logic in the grammar or the way people speak in the mother language. Why is it this way? Because it IS this way! I was one of those WHY people, but hard work made me realize I was wrong.”

“Remember, always listen a lot more than you speak or practise, and read and write a lot.”

“Have the courage of imitating everything, especially when you don’t understand. Because at the beginning that will focus you on listening a lot, and also focus you on feeling the words and how they’re used a lot more.”

“language is mostly imitation. I’d say at the beginning, imitating perfectly takes 90% listening and 10% practice. Radio is the best way on this matter, and TV to a lesser extent, but TV is fantastic because with the image you can guess the meaning of everything. Avoiding any translation is the only way to really feel a language and think it naturally. After one year of Chinese I basically refused to use anything else than a 100% Chinese dictionary. It’s just a matter of time, at the beginning you’ll be tired of not knowing the meaning of things, but that will force you to develop hearing abilities and a great feeling for the language. And you’ll think naturally in the language because you have no choice.”

"You develop the ability of understanding only when you don’t understand and have to guess all the time. "

“My philosophy is that language is all about imitation,” he says. "We should learn to say and hear the words first, then understand the meaning later. Sometimes the more you think, the less you learn.

“If I teach you a word and tell you its meaning, say, ‘computer’, the only thing you’ll remember after a few days is that I taught you a word, which means ‘computer’. What was the word? Forgot it.”


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Interesting series.

Early education and brain science
Early education institutions
Language learning is there a critical period? Bilingual early education
Computer games and kids
Early reading and literacy
Early reading and imagination, creativity
Comparison of Chinese and American early education, Tiger Mom, Wolf Dad
How to define success in early education

Transcripts not complete, but enough to give the intro, key vocab, key discussions etc. h/t Sara for the link:


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In Praise of Wolf and Huahua

Wolf: 哦 ,看来做你的男朋友或者是老公 ,真是一件很不容易的事情啊
Huahua: 恩 , 这个当然 。我是要用很多的方法和方式来考验他 ,然后让他给我一个很明确的态度 ,就是他一辈子要容忍我 ,要让我做一辈子他的主宰者 ,这样才可以 。
Wolf: 那我实在无话可说 …

Wolf: 花花你的酒量怎么样 ?
Huahua: 酒量一般吧 ,可以喝一点 ,但是不是很能喝 。
Wolf: 在我印象中 ,一般说这种话的人都是非常能喝的 。

Huahua: 应该是这样吧 。很多人纹身,可能是为了某一种原因 。比如说像我这次纹身是为了纪念一段感情 。
Wolf: 为了一段感情而纹身是吗 ?
Huahua: 是这样的 。
Wolf: 那你身上有一共有几个纹身了?
Huahua: 到现在为止一共有四处 。
Wolf: 就是四段感情了?

Huahua: Wolf, 几天没见你是不是又胖了 ?
Wolf: 是啊,我好像是又发福了。我也在为这个问题而苦恼。因为我之前从来没有减过肥,但这一次,这一次恐怕我要开始减肥了。
Huahua: 那其实,上一次我见到你的时候,你的脸还没有像现在这样,整个人像圆了一样这种状态。其实我建议你可以去运动一下的 。运动可能会有一个很好的效果 。
Wolf: 我的脸有那么圆吗?我想还没有胖到那个程度吧 。
Huahua: 有一点的,现在真的有点那种发福到让人家觉得像打肿了的状态 。

Huahua: 最近有一个东西是很流行的,是一种网页游戏,我们现在很多朋友都在玩,叫做开心网 。
Wolf: 那既然叫开心网,一定是一个比较开心的游戏了。
Huahua: 对。它其中设置了很多整人的小游戏。比如说你可以去购买你的朋友,让他成为你的奴隶,给你干活。
Wolf: 怎么给你干活呢 ?
Huahua: 你可以有选项啊。比如,男的你可以让他去抗煤啊,可以去刷厕所 啊 。然后女的,你可以让她去当小保姆,陪酒,或者是给人家去打扫卫生啊这一类的 。当然更有意思的是,你可以把男的奴隶嫁给芙蓉姐姐。然后你可以把女的奴隶嫁给黑山老妖怪 。就很有意思 。就是朋友之间互相的一个取乐 。但是大家都会这样 。然后很多朋友其乐融融的在一起 。

Wolf: 花花 ,你有没有养过宠物 ?
Huahua: 有啊 ,养过很多很多的宠物 。
Wolf: 比如哪些 ?
Huahua: 恩 ,你说冷血的还是说常温的动物 ?
Wolf: 看来你的收集还是很广泛的 。


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Bill Gates, rents a yacht for $5,000,000 a week, gets compared with Mother Teresa…


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Weather forecast, audio and transcripts:
Daily weather forecasts, with the introduction transcribed:

Daily weather forecast, with related weather transcripts for the corresponding day and areas:

Also see:, three day forecasts etc:


Today’s forecast, China (audio with introduction transcribed):



Today’s forecast, Shanghai:


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Many years ago, I first read “River Town”. Despite being much maligned by hipster expats, it remains one of my favorites. Here is a review (audio+transcript) of Hessler’s latest installment.



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“New normal” economics, Chinese perspective


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For those who are interested in reading relatively contemporary literature, including translations from Japanese end English literature, and enjoying reading traditional characters, here is the link:
It offers different ebook formats to download with, including epub. Recently, it also started a project producing audio recordings for several books. Have fun :slight_smile: