Lingqing words with no grammatical knowledge

I agree with you dooo. Here is a comment from soneone on my youtube channel, which I think represents the attitude of a lot of people who have been made to think that language fluency can only be achieved by doing things that are “hard” and for most people, uninteresting.

"What’s for sure Steve is that the orthodox methods of learning, especially in languages, don’t work. I have persuaded myself for half a lifetime that not liking verb and declension tables meant I was no good at languages. Lingq has persuaded me to think again, and I am learning Italian with great pleasure. Probably the only problem with your suggestions for kids is that the education system is obsessed with evaluating, in other words testing. "

I’ve always consider it best to start thinking when thinking is required and to stop thinking when it’s no longer required. And that’s for me to judge.

Dooo, concerning point 2: You certainly wouldn’t believe that it’s ok to get things wrong. There’s got to be some attempt to get things right. For me it’s about getting a good idea. Worrying because you’ve not got it 100% perfect (whatever that means) is rather counter-productive. Once you don’t have a translations which is ‘incorrect’ it’s more about more or less descriptiveness. I tend to go for a a bit more than average sometimes, but sometimes I don’t. But, wanting to get the tenses of verbs in properly, doesn’t concern undue mental bother. It’s simply about wanting to make the most out of language learning.

“You certainly wouldn’t believe that it’s ok to get things wrong”

No, but I find that working on getting it right too early breaks my rhythm and saps my interest in the text.

I think that I can do about 300 lingqs in one setting for Dutch, around 150 for French and maybe 80-100 for Yiddish before I get somewhat annoyed with lingqing but it doesn’t effect the interest in the lessons and I’ll just move onto doing that. The different numbers based on my knowledge in the language and for Yiddish, it’s searching in 1 bad online dictionary and a paper one.

@Imyrtseshem Of course, you can in one go do several hundrets of LingQs and be the leader of the month, but what sense of it?!.. We do LingQs to keep them (or at least the most of them) in our mind - oherwise they will be useless just like computer games…

Well, I’ve never considered it as a competition against others. When I take a chapter of a book in Dutch, I’m typically getting 150 lingqs and 100-150 known words from it. It was higher earlier, but things naturally slow down. In a couple of weeks I’ll probably be down to 100 and 60-80. Remember, I’ve studied it for a little while now. As you can see, my progress is slower in others.


In my experience, computer games aren’t useless. They are great mixture of comprehensible input and fun.