LingQ101 or LingQ-ing for Dummies

@jreidy, It seems to me you are spending a lot of time trying to figure how to do it instead of just doing it and figuring out how to do it better.

Decide to do it and give it Priority!
Pick a lesson that interests you.
Read through it while listening (even if you do not understand anything)
Everyday, spend time working through the lesson creating lingQ’s (highlighting words and/or phrases you don’t know)
Everyday, whenever you can, listen to the lesson you’re working on over and over and over again on your portable device.
Once you’ve worked through an entire lesson pick another.
If at any time you get bored with a lesson, pick another.
Don’t worry about flashcards or the other functions right now.
Spend more time creating LingQs and less time in the forums.

I hope this helps. Good luck!