LingQ writing challenge

my only worry is does it have to be corrected before being posted. This could pose a problem because that would mean everyone need to pay points to get it corrected before they could post anything right? I want to do the blog Idea but I don’t necessarily want to use my points to get it corrected unless I really want a substantial feedback.

well, I plan to just get writing and submit only selected posts for correction.

mark: screenshot looks good. would it work from mobile devices? I am writing this from my ebook reader, which has its little quirks. One problem is no option to type in Japanese. Possibly some kind of virtual keyboard mapping might get around the problem. I intend to get an android mp4 player but have no idea what different keyboards will be supported.

@minjun - You can post with or without having it corrected. Anything on LingQCentral will have to be corrected but to your own blog you can post what you like.

@skyblueteapot - No guarantee for mobile devices although I don’t really see why it wouldn’t work. There would be no flash on the page.

Overnight I just thought of a really nerdy advantage to having a blog written completely in your target language! Every few months you could collect all your articles together and run them through a concordance program (eg the free Simple Concordance Program), to give you a list of all the vocabulary you have used. Then you will have an “active vocabulary” database to compare with your LIngQ “passive vocabulary” database.

And then you could import the list into LingQ so that the database knows which words you still need to work on to remember and which words aren’t quite so important for you to memorise.

I’ve been thinking for a while that status 5 ought to be “have used word actively”.

Actively, in writing, could be tracked, I suppose? (Or would that come out in the concordance thingy you wrote about?)

The way the Simple Concordance Program (presumably all concordance programs) work is that you can feed in a long text file (eg an entire book) and it will give you a frequency analysis of the words used in it.

You could therefore have status 6 = have used word actively more than 10 times. Or something.

I’ve started a different blog. There, I can put all my writing, not just in Russian. It’s also a chance to try out posterous. Enjoy :slight_smile:

Nice one, James!

Hello Helen and everyone! I’m beginning my study in english.
I loved the idea of the blog. I need write and meke a blog is a very interesting way to do this.
I initiated my blog but do not put many posts yet… I will write in english. My first language is brazilian portuguese.

All comment is welcome!