@ Rasana - We hope to expand our API methods at some point but at the moment we are working on some other things. I have made a note of your requests and we will try to add these when we can. Sorry that doesn’t really help you much now! :slight_smile:

Don’t worry Mark. Important things first :slight_smile:

thanks :slight_smile:

I just noticed that LingQ recently launched their own API! Awesome and thanks, I’ll check it out!

Following the instructions given by odiernod in the post from April 2010,
for the languages which I am studying, 11 languages are returned.

Is there any way in LingQ to reset these languages so that I am not
studying them? It’s very tiring to be studying 11 languages.

I am not even studying English, but I have uploaded and shared
content in English.

There is not currently any way around this. As soon as you open a language, you are considered to be studying it. It’s difficult on our end to define what constitutes studying a language, as some people don’t create LingQs, don’t import lessons, and don’t click the LingQ’d button but are still “studying” the language.

I don’t look at the account page very often, but I did just now and I notice we can now delete active languages.

I notice that you can list and modify existing LingQs, but you can’t delete or create them. I’m actually not sure I’d want or know how to create them (since they’re typically part of a lesson), but since that’s part of what REST is about, I noticed the lack. Any plans to add Delete?

We have no plans to add delete in the near future. However, we do hope to increase the capability of the API over time.

It looks like Lessons list API gives back only the 30 most recent lessons.
Is it intended behavior? Is it possible to list all the lessons?

This change was made recently to improve the performance of our mobile iLingQ app.
We found that while for most people it worked fine, for some power users who had hundreds of active lessons in a language, it was nearly unusable due to the lengthy wait times.

OK. Thanks for the answer!

I wanted to ask for something regarding to android, but I fixed it by myself :-P…I cannot delete this message, so I have just changed the text :slight_smile:
I am developing a Lingq application for android now :slight_smile:

Hi guys, I would like to ask you for something…
I am programming something for Android and I sucesfully got the Lessons list, language list and others reffered in . But I cannot see there anything for getting a text for a specific lesson.
I have, for example, following XML (below) which I get and I want to open the first lesson with id 165144 (and with title It’s time to start Spanish again.I like Spanish. Do you speak Spanish well?). Is there available a function for getting the text for each lesson that I want to read…or I cannot see the text of the lesson? :slight_smile:
Thank you for answer in advance.

0 0 It's time to start Spanish again.I like Spanish. Do you speak Spanish well? 0 0 5 165144 0 0 Part 7 0 0 41 41179

You can access lesson text by using the url{language}/{lesson_id}/text/

That is one piece of information I was looking for for so long - Thanks a lot.

Would it be possible to write an API documentation that is REALLY complete?

Thaaanks for that information…when i am at home,i will implement it into my android app :slight_smile:

The lesson text API call (the link jmv posted) contains more than just the lesson text. It has
plus a list of all the lesson lingqs

Can this info be added to the API docs at

I’m not so familiar with these types of things, but I’ll pass it along to one of our developers. Thanks!

Before I spend anytime on API based stuff, I first thought I would ask has anyone done something already with the API that they would be willing to share?

I’ve played around a little bit using Yahoo! Pipes (just messing around) and curl and got it working but not done anything of value yet.

Specifically I’d like to have a simple hands-free vocabulary review that flips through the LingQs of a given level, showing word (pause) meaning+example (pause) in large text. The API only lets you get all LingQs or all LingQs of a specific lesson. Luckily I don’t have so many LingQs yet. Or is there a way to set a search filter?

Has anyone done something like that?