Liars, bullshit artists, and truth-tellers

Well, I don’t like Clinton for a variety of reasons (none of which has anything to do with her gender, BTW).

I wouldn’t be for Trump either. I doubt whether he’ll win, but IF he did pull it off, it’s hard to see how he could be any worse for mankind and world peace than, let’s say, George W. Bush?!

Every nation gets the leader it deserves …

If you want babies, you must either rely on the storks…or get starkers :stuck_out_tongue:

(If that’s too near the knuckle, I apologise!)

Ich weiß nicht…habt ihr die Merkel verdient? :slight_smile:

Millionen von Merkel-wählenden Rentnern können nicht irren, oder doch?

It’s Not Alarmist: Trump and the Republican Party Could Destroy the World

Chomsky: Today’s Republican Party is a Candidate for Most Dangerous Organization in Human History Chomsky: Today’s Republican Party is a Candidate for Most Dangerous Organization in Human History | Democracy Now! via @democracynow

Not alarmist…could destroy the world hahaha…thanks for the laugh

Die Flüchtlingspolitik von Merkel ist doch totaler Wahnsinn!

Es ist sogar eine gute Sache, wenn man eine gewisse Anzahl von diesen armen Menschen aus Syrian helfen will. Aber das eigene Land mit Millionen und Abermillionen von Flüchtlingen innerhalb kurzer Zeit zu überströmen ist einfach verrückt! Ich meine, die Leute werden keine Möglichkeit haben, sich zu integrieren!

And now Charleroi:

Belgian policewoman and male colleague are wounded by a machete-wielding attacker who shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ before he was shot dead by a third officer.

Where next? Many wait already for a “European Trump”.

Good statement. Seems that not everybody is crazy in the U.S. …

Yeah, there do seem to be rather a lot of these spontane Terrorangriffe just lately, don’t there?

If they continue, the French people will probably wind up voting for the Front National at their next election - and that would almost certainly be sayonara for the European Union!

Great minds think alike^^

One presidential candidate says scientists who work on climate change are "practically calling it a hoax" and wants to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency. The other calls climate change "an urgent threat and a defining challenge of our time." And yet about four out of 10 millennials in battleground states think there is no difference between those candidates’ views on the issue.Many young voters don’t see a difference between Clinton and Trump on climate via @voxdotcom
Look at the issue that fueled his political rise, birtherism. Trump said in 2011 that he had sent investigators to Hawaii and that “they cannot believe what they’re finding.” For weeks, he continued to imply that there were huge findings to be released. He hinted to George Stephanopoulos, “We’re going to see what happens.” That was five years ago, in April 2011. Nothing happened.(Fareed Zakaria)
If Clinton declares that she didn’t chop down a cherry tree, that might mean that she actually used a chain saw to cut it down. Or that she ordered an aide to chop it down. As for Trump, he will insist, “I absolutely did not chop down that cherry tree,” even as he clutches the ax with which he chopped it down moments earlier on Facebook Live. Clinton’s Fibs vs. Trump’s Huge Lies

George Washington Never Chopped Down A Cherry Tree George Washington Never Chopped Down A Cherry Tree

Donald Trump, who is outstandingly arrogant and thin-skinned, cannot be compared with George W. Bush, who was simply an alcoholic-turned president.

Mr Trump threatened Japan that, under his presidency, it could be necessary to "walk" away from the treaty. "It could be that Japan will have to defend itself against North Korea," he said. "You always have to be prepared to walk," Mr Trump said about getting allies to carry their financial weight. "I don't think we'll walk, I don't think it's going to be necessary. It could be, though."

Donald Trump is threatening Japan. He demands that Japan should pay more. In principle, America should, at its own risk, withdraw their military in Japan and return the land that the US bases are occupying to Japan. We don’t welcome proxy wars on our land.

“He expressed his frustration that the US is bound by treaty to defend the Asian nation but that if the United States is attacked, the Japanese cannot help because of Article 9, which constitutionally forbids it to send armed forces overseas.”

He is concerned with the conditions of the treaty, and this is not at all limited to Japan.

This is actually one of the appeals of Trump, whether you agree or disagree with him on this or other issues. When it comes to military he is a non-interventionist. We spend so much money on the military and we are in Asia, Europe, Middle East etc. We don’t need to be there and we shouldn’t be there. He does not want to be there either and get involved in wars we don’t need to. If you listen to his speeches, which I suggest you do instead of taking selected sentences from opinion columns, he is is favor of supporting allies in times of war but America should not be leading the way every time and we should not be intervening in other country’s affairs. Trump is quite anti-war(although you can’t tell from his personality haha) compared to Hillary.

I think Donald Trump is a bullshit artist. He is just pretending that he is good at negotiations related to money, although his business career is filled with troubles with other people.



Q&A: How much do U.S. military bases in Japan and Korea cost? Q&A: How Much Do U.S. Military Bases in Japan and Korea Cost? - WSJ via @WSJ