Let's burn this Benny guy at the stake!

I’m a lover… of my children, wife, and rigourous debate. I think I often fail to dress my questions in platitudes, so I come off as abrupt in print. This is usually because I am watching kids as I am at the computer.

I think we should have a make-up Skype too. We can advertise on Benny’s blog.


I thought you had reached “a pretty good level” in Czech. But I doubt now. Are you able to make any simple sentence in Czech?

@Maka That was almost 2 years ago and I decided immediately not to maintain my Czech. I like to learn lots of languages, but after learning them I decide if I want to maintain them permanently, which is a tremendous investment. This wasn’t the case for Czech or Hungarian, but was (recently) for German, American Sign Language and possibly Dutch (as well as the other 7 languages I do maintain).

When I lived in Prague I socialised regularly entirely in Czech and you can find a video I made in Czech if you search my Youtube channel to hear what my accent sounded like.

Dooo, first of all I should point out that I was only joking, hence the intended sarcasm. Anyway, I may as well explain my views properly. Steve frequently stresses that language learners should do what they feel comfortable with. What I have never understood is why he says that, and then will do multiple videos or posts which seem to be criticising Benny. If Benny likes to speak from day one, then let him speak from day one. Some people can’t concentrate when reading or listening, or may just be in the target language’s country and are willing to get out, see the sights and have fun speaking to people. I know I can find LingQing a tad boring.

Another thing I have never liked is that so many people here are willing to pounce on those who agree with Benny, or are willing to demotivate Benny even though they may’ve never tried his methods or read his blogs. There always seems to be a sense of peer pressure to agree with Steve. People say Benny is a conman because he is trying to sell a book, but we have to remember that LingQ can ultimately cost a lot more than the LHL. I have to agree it is quite expensive for an independently produced ebook, way out of my budget. Then again, he wants to travel and is relying on the sale of the book to aid him in doing so. Because of that, I can see why the book is expensive.

Others on here say “Just look at this post by Benny, isn’t he awful and such a clown” (that was a paraphrased form). If he is so awful, then why are you reading his blog? That doesn’t make sense to me.

If you want to know my views on Steve,while I find him a bit contradictory with regards to Benny, I really enjoy watching his youtube videos and find him quite amusing. I often ask him for advice when I am stuck and he promptly replies. Steve may find me annoying and so may Benny, but that doesn’t matter to me. I think there are elements which I can combine from both methods which will help me best. They both like to argue and get the point across and to advertise there products. They have a lot in common, obviously, but may be hesitant to admit that. What I like is that they are both willing to talk to each other without their conversation erupting into an argument. Hopefully Benny will be around here more often now.

P.S makacenko, asking questions on a forum is no way to check someone’s ability in conversation. People can easily use google translate :slight_smile:


My disagreement with Benny (and perhaps Steve’s) stems from the following:

Benny’s re-framing what are initially logical observations and questions as attacks from “haters”, eg (what resulted in blocking Friedemann and Steve form his site)

Changing definitions of key concepts to suit his current needs eg “fluency”

Being misleading eg his blog title

Using loaded language eg (reading is “inhuman”)

I personally do not care what Benny says about language learning because of the dishonesty and flaccid thinking indicated by the above.


My disagreement with Benny (and perhaps Steve’s) stems from the following:

Benny’s re-framing what are initially logical observations and questions as attacks from “haters”, eg (what resulted in blocking Friedemann and Steve form his site)

Changing definitions of key concepts to suit his current needs eg “fluency”

Being misleading eg his blog title

Using loaded language eg (reading is “inhuman”)

I personally do not care what Benny says about language learning because of the dishonesty and flaccid thinking indicated by the above.

Dooo, that’s fine by me. My own views you can see above.

James 123

Google translate isn’t as good as you think.

I know, but with a basic understanding of the grammar, it isn’t impossible to construct comprehensible sentences.

James123, if you agree with me than you can see that Steve is not singling out Benny for some perceived economic threat, or holding Benny to a different standard, as you seem to claim. If you don’t agree, then, end of this discussion, I guess.

Dooo, I never said I agree. Nor did I say that Benny is on the same level as an economic threat. I said you were entitled to your opinion, just like I am mine. Also, I said that even though Steve promotes people doing what they feel comfortable with, he seems quick to criticise Benny. I may of missed something but that’s the way I see it. But yeah, end of discussion, I guess.

James, I have commented in depth on this subject and will not do so any more. You can form your own opinions and express them here, as do others.

I suggest you tune in to our discussion next week.

wow, after returning and finding this thread… wow- I dislike what benny does but another long thread won’t really do anything - this thread can get to 100 pages long- what will that accomplish??


Why are you even bothering posting? I think it’s wasting your time. Some people will simply never agree with you, will slag you off and claim you are a fraud. Once you become popular on the Internet, you WILL be critisied. I agree, that on your blog however, everything that can be said about the way you learn, has already been said, and most of the posts seem recycled.

IMO, most people are simply jealous of you, because they can’t go out and have fun, travel the world, etc… If people actually read the blog instead of skimming posts, then most of the discussions in here would be unnecessary. I don’t believe anywhere you said you were fluent in Czech, Thai, etc… I’m sick of seeing this pop up everywhere, same old rubbish arguments, etc…

“Some people will simply never agree with you, will slag you off and claim you are a fraud. Once you become popular on the Internet, you WILL be critisied.”

Is there something special about Benny that makes skepticism uncalled-for?

@tonywob, why would you assume that people are jealous of Benny? Jealous of what exactly, could you specify?

I believe in free discussion, and in focusing on the issues at hand, and not making assumptions about the motives behind people’s comments, or assumptions about what they have or have not read. This generally makes for more meaningful discussions.

I also think that Benny showing up here in true Benny style has stimulated a great deal of discussion and I appreciate it. I believe that all this discussion around language learning, however acrimonious it seems at times, is a good thing, not a bad thing.

Happy LingQing.

“Is there something special about Benny that makes skepticism uncalled-for?”,

No I’m just saying that there will always be people who will be critical/skeptical no matter how you behave or what you say. I was telling Benny that there is no point fighting it, and just accept that this is how it is.


Jealous in a sense that Benny has achieved what they are trying to achieve, i.e. Speak other languages. Just because that person is having difficulty, doesn’t make Benny a liar and a fake. (He may well be, but that’s not the point). It’s sounds like “I can’t do it, I’m struggling, so Benny must be a liar and a fraud”. Somebody decided to post some messages in Czech, so that Benny would reply, although Benny has made it clear he didn’t achieve fluency in Czech and hasn’t bothered maintaining it. It just seems annoying and pitiful to do something so childish. I’ve even saw a post where somebody got his German friends to analyse Benny’s videos and pick out mistakes :confused:

People don’t have to agree with his methods, but constantly creating new posts critising him is getting annoying. They go to his blog, pull out quotes and then try and discredit him. Seriously, if people put this much effort into learning languages instead of trying to discredit Benny, then maybe they’d have nothing to be angry about and actually achieve what Benny has.

I have not found jealousy to be a common trait amongst language learners, here or elsewhere. I am not jealous of Benny and he is not jealous of me. We disagree on a number of issues related to language learning.

But people do have the right to discuss his methods, and to point out what they see as problems or inconsistencies, certainly on this forum. You, of course, do not have to like this thread, you have every right to find it annoying and express your annoyance.

This is a podium for discussion.

@ tonywob

The fact that irrationally negative people exist is, I agree, the truth. But do you think that all skepticism about Benny comes from such people?

Some points in the rest of your post are utterly untrue

'Jealous in a sense that Benny has achieved what they are trying to achieve, i.e. Speak other languages."

This is absolutely not true. The vast majority of people who ciriticise Benny have learned other langauges: Friedemann, JayB, and Steve are just 3 examples. I speak 3 languages to at least a level where I can function normally ini the target country.

“Somebody decided to post some messages in Czech, so that Benny would reply, although Benny has made it clear he didn’t achieve fluency in Czech and hasn’t bothered maintaining it.”

This is a comment on the the general lack of credibility surrounding Benny. Can you name what languages Benny can claim a generally ability to deal with myriad situations in? Have you seen any convincing evidence?

"I’ve even saw a post where somebody got his German friends to analyse Benny’s videos and pick out mistakes :confused: "

Why not? He put himself out there. Again, why should he be immune to criticism based in reality?

'constantly creating new posts critising him is getting annoying. They go to his blog, pull out quotes and then try and discredit him. "

This thread was started by Benny. I think he is pleased that he generates so much interest.

’ Seriously, if people put this much effort into learning languages instead of trying to discredit Benny, then maybe they’d have nothing to be angry about and actually achieve what Benny has"

You could say the same about Benny and his blogging.

“Can you name what languages Benny can claim a generally ability to deal with myriad situations in?”


“Have you seen any convincing evidence?”
