Latin on LingQ

I also thought that it would be very difficult to read SPQR on such a tiny flag. The Vatican flag would be easier to identify.

We looked at the SPQR flag and tried adding it, but it was too small to even be recognizable. If Latin moves to being a supported language, we’ll be sure to revisit this issue.

The fact is, it’s tough to find a flag to accurately represent Latin, and no matter what flag we choose there will still be complaints. The good news is you only have to look at this flag when changing languages. :wink:

Alex, I think the flag should also appear in the “Submit writing” and “Join conversation” fields on our profile, shouldn’t it? I wonder why the Polish flag is there, but the Czech and the Latin flags aren’t.

Thanks, Michele. We’ll look into that.

After looking into Google Translate, it will not be possible to use the integrated Google Translate button for Latin. In this regard, we will be removing this button from the blue popup for Latin.

I’ve now added the Latin-German dictionaries suggested by Jolanda.

If you have any other dictionaries you would like to see, please suggest them below!

I missed Alex’ latest post on Google Translate for Latin. Is there a reason why it won’t be possible to use it? Creating LingQs will be much slower without Google Translate… :frowning:

The Google Translate API (that LingQ uses) will be shut off completely on December 1, 2011.

So, if LingQ wants to offer this “near automatic” LingQ creation, they have to use version 2 of the Google Translate API. It will cost LingQ USD 20 for the translation of 1M characters of text.

See and and .

Latin is NOT available (in the API), see list of translatable languages:
But Latin is available within Google translate.

The pages on Google Translate API are all written in language I don’t understand. Will individual students still be able to use Google Translate?

“Google translate”, a service from Google where you can translate some sentences or a whole website will exist also in the future, and will be free as far as I know.

But the programmatic integration of translations via an API (Application Programming Interface) within a website like LingQ will cost money in the future. I don’t know what LingQ will decide to do.

Latin is not supported in Google’s current Translate API (the code that goes on our site to connect with Google’s server). It has nothing to do with Google’s shift to a paid version of the API.

Ok, thanks for the explanations. :slight_smile:

Has anybody asked Evan Millner if he would be willing to allow LingQ to use some of his recordings that he has posted on his Latinum website?

We’ve contacted him about selling his content in the Library, since he wasn’t interested in having the content available for free on LingQ. We will be sure to let you know if we come to any agreement.

Could someone upload “who is she” in latin? i dont ca
re what the accent is.

Hi! Have you had a look at my versions of “Greetings and goodbyes” (complete) and “Eating out” (7 lessons available so far)?
It will take me some months to translate the full “Who is she?” series… unless you want to pay for it! Then, I can do it faster… :smiley:

Yes, I have and I’m very grateful for that. I’m willing to wait for you . I’d pay but as it is my income is nihil.

Ethan, maybe you could create some content for our English library.

As far as Latin is now on LingQ I would really like to mention one course that I find absolutely extraordinary and almost geniusly combined.

It is “Lingua latina per se illustrata” by Hans H. Ørberg.

Just see the first page here:

And that is the way you are supposed to learn gradually becoming more complex grammatical patterns and vocabulary just through reading one single text without any translation, but still understanding it from the very beginning “per se”.

The method is of course not new, but the realisation is really incredible in this particular book!

That book looks very good for beginners. Where can it be found? Is there any way you can contact the author/publisher to ask if we can share or sell this course here?

“Lingua latina per se illustrata” can be found on amazon web page. Not cheap however… :frowning: