Is early output a sin? (Matt vs Japan video)

I know it’s nitpicky, but in Chinese they’re called Hanzi, not Kanji. 汉子. Chinese people can be very sensitive about implications that their traditional culture was imported from Japan, which often the opposite was the case.

Interesting, thanks.

A fair amount of it, I try to do about two hours of reading a day on LingQ, and I probably do about 75% of my listening on here too.

If you’re wondering why my activity score is so low, I have no clue either :slight_smile:

(I actually think it’s because I don’t mark many words as known and don’t create as many LingQs as most. The highest my activity score has ever been was 2950.)

Hello, I’ve been reading through the thread and basically if you want good advice from people who know what they’re talking about in the purest form, read Stephen Krashen’s book. Matt gets a lot of his ideas from Khatz (AJATT creator who got a lot of his ideas from Krashen). From what I understand after reading Krashen’s materials, the silent period mimics the natural process of how we internalize language and dont usually start speaking until five or take 2 years with listening around 10 hours a day. Most people are not going to do this, which is fine. The process of language acquisition for children is also contextual, which makes a huge difference. the process goes nonverbal (gestures), single word responses (mama, papa, cup, eat) to multiple words (want cup, where daddy) to phrases, sentences, paragraphs essentially. We don’t do any of this in books or classes and this is what the silent period is essentially summarizing. He says in one of his books essentially when you are ready, you will start talking. Everyone is different. People can say whatever they want about the silent period, have as many opinions as they want, but the research is grounded in naturalistic acquisition. So id say study the research and take everything you hear with a grain of salt (including me). Opinion is one thing, research is another. Best of luck on the journey. :slight_smile: