Irene's German lessons disappeared from library. Why?

If anyone is able to do this, that would be great. Whichever files can be recovered can be re-uploaded for all. We are making sure that audio backups will be in place going forward.


I could do it, but first the Android application needs a feature that enables exporting the audio cache. Can you guys implement this feature for the android application?


I will check into that and let you know.


This function will be enabled with the next Android update. Let us know how it goes. You can email those files to support and we can then recreate the lessons.

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Years ago I took practically all of these lessons plus some others by an Austrian provider (Sorry, canā€™t remember his name). I donā€™t know if I could still access them or not. But I donā€™t remember the names of the courses to search for them in my library.

Edit: Reinhardt is the Austrian provider. He and Evgueny did German lessons together.


And I must chime in: These early lessons were some of the best content available in LingQ.

Itā€™s ironic that they were lost since I usually have the opposite problem. I share my own private lessons with my students. There are some lessons that I know arenā€™t needed anymore, but the system wonā€™t let me delete them because they are ā€œin useā€.


Mark, I have updated to the latest version 5.5.31 (458) that has been released on Jan 1, 2024; but I can not find a the feature that would allow me to export the audio cache.

Can you please give me some hint on where to find this feature in the new version?

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As a German beginner, what LingQ really needs is lots more audio lessons suitable for A2. If these deleted lessons were A2, thatā€™s a big loss.

I worked in a lot of software companies, and Iā€™m not surprised the audio isnā€™t backed up. But what if the servers burn down? Or disks crash?


It turns out this feature was not pushed yet. We will reach out to you directly when itā€™s ready. Should be in the next few days.

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Iā€™ve sent you a message with details.

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@klaufir Any luck with the download process?

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Itā€™s pity to hear that some of Irenas, Veras and my lessons were deleted from the German library in Lingq. I am already rather old and sick, but I could restore some of my German lessons recorded by my German and Austrian friends. But I donā€™t know which of my lessons were disappeared.
From my 40 years teaching experience I know that simple, basic and clear lessons especially for beginners canā€™t be replaced by any stuff from the Internet. Without passing through some basic lessons with common vocabulary and main Grammar rules you will always feel not confident in your new language.


Woah, so thatā€™s where my French Victor Hugo lessons went! (Les MisĆ©rables, with librivox audio - so there certainly cannot have been a copright issue).

I must say, much as I love LingQ and readily forgive many of the bugs and problems that crop up, mass-deleting old lessons from an app that fundamentally relies on a growing, crowd-sourced library is a breathtakingly horrible idea. I can only hope that was an accidental side effect, rather than an intentional business decision.


Sorry for the absence, I have replied to your message. Somehow I have missed your message earlier.

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If you listened to Ireneā€™s lessons in the past on Android and would like to help recovering her lessons, please write message here.

@tiagosalvador prepared a version of the Android software that enables exporting the audio cache. Using that we can export the audio from lessons you did on Android.


Thank you so much for attempting to solve this!


I have recovered Ireneā€™s audio: 304 lessons, 18h 23m

Sent them to @mark and @tiagosalvador .
This would not have been possible without the help of @harvest_end .

Thanks a lot everyone, I hope to see the lessons again soon.


Iā€™m so glad and relieved!

Iā€™ve completed most of her lessons, but if anyone else has done the remaining few, please let us know! There was one course in the Advanced section that I have not completed, it was something about types of water (lakes, etc.?), does anyone know which one Iā€™m talking aboutā€¦?


If Iā€™m understanding you correctly, I think that sometimes user uploads disappear because the user may have subscribed from LingQ and when their account closes, all of the content that theyā€™ve uploaded would, in theory, vanish. If it was linked or uploaded from a YouTube video or somewhere similar, you could try locating that resource and importing it yourself.


Such a terrible mistake so much of the great portuguese content got obliterated because of this and now its just a shell of what it once was.