iOS: How many coins do I have?

With the latest iOS update (5.5.0), some screens were redesigned. I think most of this is for the better, especially since the new designs feature helpful explanations.

There is one huge problem, however: as far as I can see, it is no longer possible to check how many coins I currently have in the language. The Statistics screen only seems to show the lifetime coins total. But in order to know whether I can “save” a streak, I would need to see lifetime coins minus all the coins previously spent: to see if I have 5000+ coins currently.

I would appreciate if this vital information could be displayed again ASAP.

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I think this might help:


Hm. I wonder if something changed, because I only seem to be getting total earned coins and monthly earned coins there - not currently owned coins.

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Have you tried it on the phone app? I seem to recall that used to work.

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That is what my complaint is about: as of the latest update, the iOS app no longer shows this information.


Attention @zoran if you didn’t see this. tl,dr: new update broke it.

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