If I'm not creating new lingqs, am I not learning?

My congratulations to the April Fool Day!

@Calculasians - The apple will only be affected by writing you do in our system. We don’t let users impact their activity score by any manual data input since we can’t control the accuracy of this information.

Of course you are still learning. Our reason for instituting the streak was to give you something simple to try and achieve every day and build a daily habit on lingQ. The only thing that factors into your streak is LingQs created. We think this is simple and even if you are reviewing, to try to do your 13 LingQs and then get back to reviewing shouldn’t take much time.

The apple, on the other hand, reflects your activity on the site and is affected when you move words to known or submit writing and join conversations. So, in fact, you do benefit from reviewing when you move words to known. We are actually looking at replacing the Activity Score with coins to reduce the number of different metrics we track. Perhaps then, we can base the activity apple on coins and not specific activities only since you do earn coins when increasing LingQ status.

I often read lessons again. Yes you are not creating new LingQs but it is a chance to move existing LingQs to known and to reinforce. Ultimately, the known words count, and the LingQs created count are measures of our level of activity. I try to keep them both moving. They key is what we are in the mood to do at any time. Cheers.