Is this possible to do? How can I find info about it.
I use an app on my phone and iPad called vFlat Scan. You take a shot of your text, you can crop and adjust it and then press ´recognise text´. It is really good at various languages and scripts. I´ve used it mostly for Russian, Romanian and Icelandic. You can then save the text. I find it best to save it as text rather than Word because it seems to be more accurate with the layout. It also helps if you’re an Apple ‘slave’ because I save it to 'documents 'in the iCloud which I can then read on my laptop.
The kindle desktop app seems to allow a page (even in small text) to be copied. Then it reports an error. I may allow more days later.
Taking a photo with google translate app converts some pater text to copy-able text. I’m not sure it works well for large pages; check it.