How to fix a streak if I have gained 5000 coins?

Hi there! Yesterday I missed my Korean streak and I didn’t know how many coins I had left to regain it. I don’t know where to see exactly how many coins I have at the moment. It was a streak of over 1200 days so when I saw that I didn’t have enough coins left, the app informed me that I could fix it if I gained the needed amount. Since it’s a weekend and I was very proud of my streak I spent the day earning at least 5000 coins to regain it. Which was quite a lot of work, but also fun! I have the coins now but don’t see the message anymore that says that I can repair it. Can someone help me out with this? Thank you!! :))

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I fixed your Korean streak. :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much! I am always in awe at how quick the support at LingQ is, thank you for your work! :))


You’re welcome! :slight_smile: Glad I could help.

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