How many times do you listen to contents before you check the transcript?

I used to lose interests in contents when I don’t find the speakers’ voices and accents appealing or speakers speak too fast. But, I give the contents a second chance by reading them now. Reading gives me a pleasure for sure. :slight_smile:

I didn’t realize that いい and よく can be troublesome.

Good news is Japanese sounds can be relatively easy to produce.
I hear English speakers stress a sound in the middle of a Japanese word when they start speaking. For example, they tend to say “oTosan” instead of “otosan” (お父さん: father). But, they can often reduce it and get the rhythms fairly quickly. :slight_smile:

Haha. I can relate to her. When I said to a native English speaker “Please sit down”, I was teased by “Did you want me to sh** down here?”.

I’ve never seen the movie. I didn’t know that Chinese people have the same problems in English pronunciations as we do!