How long to learn russian?

My own thoughts. I already put 3 hard working years with Polish -similar to Russian. And I still find a bunch of unknown words whenever I read a Polish book. I can hold a conversation and even talk complex topics sometime. Probably we should consider the language skill are we talking about. Reading, Speaking, writing, or listening. I doubt that 1000 hrs. would likely be enough to turn the radio and comfortable understand the news. Probably fine for simple writing and children books. But TV, the radio or a film without subtitles? That is a tall call.

When I started learn English couple years ago, I thought that I will be ok on 6 month. But now, I am learning almost two year, 1 hour per day plius/minus. I am reading everyday, listening and doing all learning stuff. I did not check my level, but I got job in international transport company, I did English tests and math test and I was ok. (looks like, because I got job).
My goal is to read books in English, but in easy I can read books for kids or YA, fantasy, sci-fi books for adults still to hard for me. And for example I cant watch TV show Expanse and understand everything: it is to hard for me, I even did not try to watch Westword in Englishā€¦ I tried)
Well, almost two years, I hope two years more and I will ok with Westword.

You neednā€™t try understanding 100% of words by watching TV or movies.
But if you understand 70% and continue watching such shows and movies, you 'll notice in several months that you understand more and more - not 100% but 90% - and itā€™s enough to be comfortable with any language.

The same rule is right for books - donā€™t try to look up every unknown word!.. Otherwise, you spoil your reading. 90% of understanding is quite enough to enjoy the book.

I am re-reading the first Harry Potter book now and I donā€™t use dictionary at all, I understand everything. First time I read this book almost year ago and I worked really hard on it. It is great feeling.
Now, then I am choosing book for extensive reading, I am checking sample on Amazon before, I must understand 70%

Evgueny in german when did yo see big difference in terms oof vocab and comprehension ā€¦ Around 30k words is good??

We use in our spoken language less than 10k.
Thatā€™s why for a conversation is more important not a big quantity of words, but the quality of knowing - they must be active!.. And to make them active we have to use them -it means to speak.
But for reading the more words you know the better.

In order to talk freely and calmly, you need to know about 3-5 thousand words. This is if you do not take into account the features of grammar and word formation. In about a year, you can master a sufficient level of knowledge of Russian. There are accelerated Russian language courses LinguaTrip - official webpage. Language courses abroad. Widest selection of accredited schools. Lowest price guarantee! .Naturally, they will be productive if you communicate with the native speaker of this language. Because communication is a practice that is necessary.

I agree that spoken language is far more poor than the vocab that is used for writing a novel ,let alone literature which is far more rich and deep into the language and most times useless when it come to speaking unless you want to have really eloquent and political speech!! Nevertheless reading extensively gets you to know the language in depth to a certain extent as far as my experience and thats why i want to start activating vocab after reaching the advanced stages of word count!!

Like others, Iā€™m not sure exactly what you mean by ā€œintermediateā€ since that can mean low or high B2 (fluency) on down to low B1.

Based on the US FSI/DLI standard, Russian that basic professional proficiency level is 2,000 hours. An hour to hour and a half a day (Steve learning incremements), thatā€™s about 500 hours a year, so youā€™re looking at 4 years. Thatā€™s what I I think I would use if I go for Russian at some point.