How can I study grammar better alongside LingQ?

@Peter Bormann
To sum up, your whole argumen, is as follows:

  • There’s this this body of empirical evidence about “comprehensible input” and how to learn languages, initially researched by Steven Krashen, then others. It is based on studies comparing strategies for language learning and their results.
  • You: no, it doesn’t work
  • Any sensible person: oh, interesting, do you have new data? Have you found something better? Are you obtaining better results differently?
  • You: no, no need! Some obscure philosopher thought really hard about what it really means to transmit information and conclude these are
    So, to decide on a good method you disregard data based on simple theoretical mumblings.
    Yes, that makes you a cargo cult scientist and what is strange is that you are not called out on this more often.

Which book are you referring to? is it this one?:

Living French

This is the only grammar related one I can see on their site. Unless it’s grammar related stuff within a different book?

they usually have a complete (whatever language you are looking for) book and it goes over listening reading speaking writing. It is optional to go through the exercises so i just use the book for the grammar.