Help me make sense of the content in Lingq, please

Darn…I posted a reply to this yesterday and I must not have clicked the button. I’ll try to go from memory.

When I mentioned don’t get stuck on words, I meant in regards to reading only. In other words, don’t read the same lesson 40 times trying to get all the words to “known”. If you’re not able to mark everything to known after a few repeats, move on. Of course, if you don’t repeat lessons then no worries =). I personally found in the beginning stages that some repetition of lessons felt like it helped, but if I was stuck on some words, I just moved on. My thought was that I had gotten all the use out of that particular lesson I could, had the lesson memorized, so it wouldn’t help anyway, and I would need to see the word in context elsewhere. The main point is that there are going to be words you just will simply struggle to remember. Don’t worry about it. Move on.

In regards to your specific problem with not being able to keep up with the Lingq’ing while listening to the audio. In my opinion, don’t. I think some do this, but I think mostly they are doing it with similar languages or are pretty advanced and only have minimal blue or yellow words popping up. What I do, personally, is to read the lesson first, without audio. I go in sentence mode. I read it and try to make sense of the sentence as a whole and if I can guess any of the blue or yellow words in context, I’ll mark them as known (fairly liberally). I don’t worry much about this…if I don’t recognize the word in another context, I’ll just as liberally set it back to 1 or 2. If it’s a word I’m not sure of the pronunciation, I’ll play the pronunciation of that individual word and try to say it (out loud or to myself). Because some words can have different meanings in different contexts, if the word meanings don’t make much sense within the sentence, I’ll click the “show translation” button which will give the meaning of the sentence as a whole and clue me in on certain word combinations or phrasings that might make a totally different meaning from what a given word’s usual meaning is. I then may re-read the sentence, trying to incorporate what I’ve learned about the meaning of the words and help internalize it better. Also, clicking the show translation button helps you to stay in tune with the lesson or story that you’re reading. So even if you really have a tough slog with tons of yellow and blue words, you are still engaged with the story and not just lost in a word salad.

I go through the entire lesson like that. I might also play the audio for each sentence (again, in sentence mode), but often I skip this. Once I’ve read the lesson through, then I play the audio. In the beginning stages, at this point I’d play the audio while reading when I could. Not to look up words or even to attempt to remember words or follow along with the story. This would be mostly to try and associate the words and letters I was seeing to the pronunciation of the speaker. I might listen then to the audio alone. Or listen to the audio alone at a later time, while driving or doing dishes. If the lesson was short and I had some yellow words to work through, I might repeat the lesson a handful of times after a short or long break.

As for your second paragraph, I think some of the links provided will give you these sort of “groupings” of topics. In the ministories too, the words are repeated within the same lesson, in the various forms (first person, third person, present, past, etc.) so you get this sort of a repetition. Various topics too. So maybe check those out. One nice thing about the Assimil books and Teach Yourself (although I haven’t used the latter much) is that you have tidbits of grammar thrown in to help you along. Many of the lessons on LingQ are not like that. If you’re curious about grammar point after reading a LingQ lesson you may need to go do a little research online or in a grammar book.

Strange. I twice replied to this post and neither of them are visible here. I also got an email saying that ericb100 responded here and I don’t see it, though I can read it in the email.

Search is right at the top Ress. Admittedly as a longtime user I’ve been a little confused at times. I usually just stay in my world of my own imports and or courses I’ve looked at before. These are all under “Continue studying”. If you click the “View All” at the right it will bring you to everything you’ve been working on before.

This is a reply to your post further below. I’m not sure what’s going on, I’ve posted long replies twice there and they’ve both disappeared, so trying to post at the top level. Apologies in advance if they both appear at some point.

On getting “stuck”. I was referring to reading alone (not with audio). In other words, don’t not move on from a lesson if you don’t know all the words, even after a few repeats. Some words you will struggle to learn. Others will be easy. These ones you struggle with may last a very a long time so you don’t want to halt progress just because of them.

In regards to your getting stuck with the audio while trying to LingQ words. My advice would be to not do it this way. I personally read the lesson first and go through the blue and yellow words. I do this in sentence mode. I’ll read through once to see if I can gather the meaning of the sentence as a whole and the individual words. If not, then I click the blue and yellow words for their meaning (and possibly pronunciation). I’ll then also typically click the “show translation” button for the entire sentence translation. This will show cases where the typical word meaning might actually have a different meaning when grouped with certain words. Seeing the full sentence translation also helps you stay connected to the story. If you are having a lot of words to go through it sort of all starts to become a jumbled word salad. I may also play the sentence audio.

After I’ve gone through this reading only exercise, then I might read and listen to the audio at the same time. Not to look up words. Not to even try and follow along with the story. I’m looking to associate the words and letters to the pronunciation of the speaker. I then may listen to the audio on its own and try to understand what I can. I may repeat the reading if it’s a short lesson and I have yellow words (and I liked to do this at the beginner levels) over the course of a day or into the next day. Then I move on. I think at most a handful of repeats (if you do so at all) is all you can really get from the lesson. Then I think it’s better to see these words in another context.

It seems a post can’t be beyond a certain length and that’s why it didn’t post. So the second part to your question…Maybe an Assimil or Teach Yourself might help with a little structure and a little grammar. Or the links provided in the other posts will hopefully help with content that may fit a little better with what you’re looking for.

I don’t think length is the reason. I also found my responses not appearing and they were short.

@ColinJohnstonov @ericb100 Sorry about the disappearing posts guys. It’s a bug, the post are there but for some reason not visible. We are working on it and will push a fix soon.

I have to agree with your point about grammar. It was not until I began concentrating on grammar that I began to improve my russian skills. My private teacher and i focus on grammar and I use Lingq for fun

Mostly I add my own content (mainly press articles) and just go over the vocabulary. When I find an interesting expression or sentence structure I also create lingqs with several words. I recently noticed that learning sentences is probably as useful, if not more, than learning just isolated words. So generally, I use very little functionalities in LingQ - basically I use it as a flashcards app, but a very powerful one.

Thank you for your help, but the Search page is rather unuseful. I don’t know how to exclude the lessons I’ve learned.

I’ve never tried that before (didn’t know it was even something in 4.0). In any event, I’m not sure if this exactly does what you want (and it doesn’t seem 100%), but if you look at your “continue studying” section, click “view all” on the right side. There’s a “sort by” section on the right hand side. You can sort by “incomplete”. I see plenty of lessons I’ve completed near the top though so not sure how well that actually works, but it does seem to mostly get lessons that are incomplete.

Maybe make a separate post stating the issue and what you’d like to see in the support section.

Hi rudygosia,

I’m not sure what you’re doing with LingQ as a “content-flexible” Audio Reader software, but you’re not “really using it”! :slight_smile:

Be that as it may, here are more structured, effective and time-efficient approaches:

  1. (Ultra-)Reading while listening (URL) based on LingQ / ReadLang (this was an answer to Treve for learning Polish, but it’s the same for any other, esp. Indo-European language):
    Anmelden - LingQ

  2. Learning a language on LingQ from scratch, also based on URL (see my discussion with Wajlander from March / April 2022): Anmelden - LingQ

  3. A fluency first approach based on artificial SRSes like Anki (+ Migaku) that can be combined with URL, see our discussion about Will Hart’s approach from a few weeks ago:

  4. Here’s how I would mix the appoaches and apps for learning one of the Indo-European languages at the moment (I’d modified it a bit for learning non-Indo-European languages, but this is a story for another day):


  1. Michel Thomas (paid) / Language Transfer (free: Language Transfer Review - Better Than A Lot Of Expensive Courses) for getting a feel for the language in general using a “grammar light” approach.
  2. Memrise (the free or paid version) for learning 2-5 thousands of the most frequent expressions and the verb conjugations
  3. Pimsleur for speaking early (also a grammar light approach)
  4. Optional for pronunciation (if needed): Idahossa Ness’ free “mimic method” and the “echoic memory” method (


  1. First, a variation of Will Hart’s approach with Migaku / Anki + Netflix / Podcasts / Youtube + Italki & Co
  2. Then the URL approach with LingQ / ReadLang


  1. First ,the URL approach with LingQ / ReadLang.
  2. Then a variation of Will Hart’s approach with Migaku / Anki + Netflix / Podcasts / Youtube + Italki & Co

If you also want to improve your writing, then you could choose one of the many writing forums on / beyond LingQ.


  • Glossika drills in combination with Will Hart’s approach
  • More grammar lessons and a more “structured” approach in the WARM UP PHASE: Babbel / Busuu (however, you could also buy a good grammar book :-))
  • Assimil or Beelinguapp (as a preparation for using LingQ / ReadLang)
  • Intros about the “comprehensible input approach” (= the basis for LingQ):
    The OG Immersion Method for Learning Spanish

VI) SOME SPANISH RESOURCES that can be used in combo with LingQ / ReadLang (beyond the recommendations by Colin and Eric):

  • Dreaming Spanish, which is also based on the comprehensible input approach and has content for all language levels from superbeginner to advanced: Dreaming Spanish - YouTube
  • Easy Spanish Youtube Channel: Easy Spanish - YouTube
  • Easy Spanish Podcast:
  • Spanish Podcast from Barcelona (for lower / upper intermediate learners): Episodios | Español Podcast Spanishpodcast |
  • VisualPolitik on Youtube: VisualPolitik - YouTube
  • Netflix series such as “La Reina del Sur” in combo with Migaku / Anki or LingQ / Anki
    In sum:
    You can learn any Indo-European language with this mix of approaches and apps because it’s a kind of comprehensive framework for learning Indo-European languages. And if we modify it a bit, it would be suitable for non-Indo-European languages as well.

Hope that helps

“it tends to sell itself as being both the best method (immersion) and the best tool.”
That’s a common problem in the skill acquisition industry (beyond language learning):

  • XY is the best thing since the Big Bang
  • XY is super-easy-easy
  • XY is super-fun-fun
  • XY is super-fast-fast
  • XY is super-comfi-comfi
    Unfortunately, a lot of inexperienced learners have internalized these “messages”, and that’s why the fail. Like this, for example:

“Hey, folks. I’ve been learning L2 XY on BlingoBingo for 2 years straight, and now I’m not even able to order a cup of coffee in the country where that language is spoken.
Here is my YT vid about this fun experience.”

I would like to see more of this sort of analysis.
My Greek: 3371 known words, 6900 LIngqs, 340,000 words read. I feel I have made progress but wonder am I as efficient as I should be.