HELP! Brazilian Portuguese listening content?

You’re right. The first 10 episodes seem to have transcripts in the notes section. But Olavo speaks very clearly so even the further episodes would be worth listening to.

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One more new great youtube channel with accurate subtitles and audio you can import to LingQ reader/mp3 player:
It’s called Porta Afora
It features one of the actors from Porta dos Fundos comedy channel. It also includes English and Spanish subs you can compare the original too in case there is some slang or an expression you can’t figure out).

It’s not sketch comedy for Porta Afora, it’s a group of Brazilians discussing their travels around the world and the episodes are divided into seasons of around 10 episodes and each episode features a specific country. Amazing for very realistic chit chat and the stories and topics they discuss about each country are entertaining. Each episode is around 25 minutes and 4,000 words so lately I’ve just been doubling my daily reading goal by reading one of these episodes per day and hitting my daily active listening goal with it.

The only downside is that only seasons 4 and 5 have accurate subtitles but that’s 20 episodes or around 10 hours of high quality content for free. Hard to beat that.

Season 4 Playlist

Season 5 Playlist

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Entrar - LingQ

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How about Portuguespod101? ^^

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It just be my personal taste but I dont like anything that feels like a text book which most of their content does. I also remember listening to the beginner ones and thinking (God there is way too much English in these episodes) The long 45 minute listening practice pods might be the best thing they have but it doesn’t sound very entertaining but I’ll give those a try.

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I added all of the ta falado and related ones on here

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Two further recommendations for learning Brazilian Port.:

  • Technocracia podcast - nível: avanzado (C1/C2).
    Apresentação: “Qual é o impacto das decisões das grandes empresas de tecnologia na sua vida? Goste ou não, Apple, Facebook, Google, Amazon e afins se tornaram tão poderosos que suas ações dão forma a como vivemos. Apresentado por Guilherme Felitti, o Tecnocracia é uma coluna quinzenal sobre as consequências de se viver sob o governo das grandes empresas de tecnologia.”

URL: Podcast: Tecnocracia ⁄ Manual do Usuário
LingQ: Some podcasts have already been imported into LingQ: Entrar - LingQ

  • Português (Brasileiro) com Marcia Macedo - nível: baixo intermediário (B1)
    Apresentação: “Sou apaixonada por ensinar e aprender, por isso me graduei em Letras e fiz pós- graduação no ensino de línguas estrangeiras. Adoro me conectar com novas culturas, pessoas e pensamentos. Espero que você aproveite ao máximo o conteúdo! Me encanta la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, por lo que me licencié en Lenguas y realicé estudios de postgrado en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Me encanta conectar con nuevas culturas, personas y pensamientos. Espero que disfrutes al máximo del contenido.”

URL: Português com Marcia Macedo - YouTube
LingQ: Some podcasts have already been imported into LingQ: Entrar - LingQ


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Thanks, Safran!
Esp. their podcasts look interesting: Terra Podcast: esporte, entretenimento, astrologia e muito mais

Beste Grüße

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Hi, Joedaniels1993! I’m from Brazil and I recently wrote a post on medium recommending a couple of Brazilian podcasts to intermediate-advanced Portuguese students: 20+ Podcasts To Learn Brazilian Portuguese: From Science To True Crime (Intermediate-Advanced) | by Tainá Scartezini | Medium | Medium

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Are there any recommendations for finding recent Brazilian movies because some of these sound interesting from what I’ve read in the movie reviews I’ve read here like “God Has Aids” and one of the others.
It feels like the American market is bad for offering some actual Brazilian theatrical releases, at least many.

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  1. Netflix Brazil has some recent Brazilian films and series. Try to use a vpn to simulate that you are in Brazil when you are searching their catalogue, so you can find that specific content.
  2. Mubi can also be a great resource to find films produced outside the US. They show some Brazilian films now and then.
  3. And there’s GloboPlay too, the streaming version of the telenovela channel. I think GloboPlay is the core of the Brazilian culture, and that’s why I recommend checking it out. It may be an issue to successfully add a payment option being in another country, though. But I’m not sure about it.
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Taina do you know of any good Podcasts just covering certain regions of Brazil, maybe different cultural traditions or interesting if not remarkable events?
If I’m being honest after reading one of these news articles about the Literaryfest during the World Cup I kinda want to just get a map of Brazil so I can get a solid idea of where these are happening, might even look for recorded video of some of these events.

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I listen to one called poddale, which is about folk dancing from rio grande do sul if that intrests you

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Check out this site:

Everything has subtitles too. You will have to import subs by going into the “inspect” area of the web page and looking for the subtitle file but it’s a massive source of Movies and TV shows.

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Unfortunately, I don’t know any podcast or channel that focus just on that subject. There must be something out there, I’m sure. Could you be a little more specific? What events or cultures exactly are you interested? Brazil is huge and there are quite some differences between the regions.

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bro your a legend!

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404 now.

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Sorry I added a period(.) on the link accidentally. Fixed

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Have a look at my over at my link on lingq.I have been collecting Brazilian Portuguese podcasts for quite some while.Happy Portuguese language learning!

Kind regards