Have you gone from beginner to fluent/conversational using LingQ?

This is a complicated topic, there are several factors that you must consider:

  • First, Lingq counts each separated form as a different word. In English, eg., it counts “work” and “works” as two different words, so you Lingq count can be higher that the actual number of words (“word families”) you know. Depending on the language the difference can be substantial. In a language such as Swedish, which seems to be riquillers’ target language I would say that the ratio is probably higher than two. That is, 19,000 known Lingq words correspond to less 6,000 word families.
  • Second, your known word count and your fluency in the language are only weakly related to each other. A decent vocabulary is a prerequisite for fluency but it doesn’t guarantee it. You must work in other areas, such as listening comprehension and conversation before you can achieve fluency
  • Third, “fluency” is a very tricky term because each person interprets it differently. You can consider someone to be very fluent, whereas that person him/herself considers that they make too many mistakes and that there are areas that need improving, etc.