Has anyone noticed that the site is faster?

Wow Vera, that is slow. I find the library faster. A few seconds to get into the library, and 3-5 seconds to change from My Lessons to My Imports etc. Switching to the Course view is very slow for in Russian (25 seconds) where I have a mountain of content, but only a few seconds in Ukrainian. No doubt there is lots we can do to improve the library and we will get there, but it is, at least for me, faster, even much faster than before for most of the things that I do.

It is especially slow on the “My import” page. The library itself seems to load much faster than the import page.

For me the “My Import” page opens immediately in Ukrainian and in 3-4 seconds for Russian. I wonder what is causing your slowness. Maybe you have many recent import whereas many of my Russian imports may have been automatically archived after 3 months.

Probably the number of courses and lessons I’ve imported? These lessons are the courses I’ve shared for the German learners. They are not archived.

@VeraI - Ah, that would be it. The more results there are, the longer it will take to load. Because you’ve imported so many lessons, it’s going to take longer unfortunately - there’s just more data to process.

We are making some additional changes that may help behind the scenes to both speed up load times and reduce load on our servers. We’ll note this down and see what we can do to help make this quicker for you.

Thank you.

It is still extremely slow. Opening “My Imports” take more than 30 seconds.

@VeraI - I assume you have lots of lessons on the “My Imports” page? :slight_smile: Do other pages on the site work properly and fast?

Yes, as a content provider of about 2,000 German lessons I have a lot of lessons there.

THe side is faster, but I’m still having 2 vivvidly important problems - I can’t go to my general list of imported lessons, only to the recent opened imported lessons.
It’s important for me to go to my general list of imported lessons because I like Vera have created a lot of lessons and before creating the new one I have to check the previuos lessons in order not to repeat them.
The general list was also important for me as a sourse of the statistic how many times my lessons were taken.
How can I now reach this general imported list what was so esily to do before???
And the second problem is connected with the first one.
Friom this provider’s general list of imported lessons I could go to the field: ‘create
a new course’ - and now I can’t create a new course, only to continue the old my courses.
How can I go to this option ‘create a new course’ because I don’t see any bottom to reach it???