German YouTube channels with subtitles

No way! Every video I watched on their channel had both German and English subtitles, and for all levels.

The Easy German team has there own subtitles for the video in German and English but what SergeyFM is referring to is CC subtitles the ones you activate by clicking on the cog and CC subtitles.

The only way to get access to Easy Germanā€™s own subtitles is by being a patreon member, I think it is something like 8-10 ā‚¬/per month.

Well, he just needs to do it once, and then download all subs.

There are alot of channels already, but I would like to add one more.
WDR Reisen, they have subtitles in every video. ARD Reisen - YouTube

Many thanks! Itā€™s a toller channel!

Š“Š¾Ń€ŃˆŠ¾Ń‡ŠµŠŗ, Š½Šµ Š²Š°Ń€Šø :slight_smile:
Could you please check if the transcriptions of the lessons youā€™ve imported are not automatically generated?
Sometimes I could find there some funny mess

Everythingā€™s possible)) please post a link to the troubled lesson.

Stadt Essen: (Offizieller YouTube Kanal der Stadt Essen)

VOS Sachsen: (Vereinigung der Opfer des Stalinismus)

FILMSTARTS: (Videos zu euren Lieblingsfilmen und Serien)

AMBOSS DE: (Education channel for doctors)

ā€œFILMSTARTSā€ is a good one! Thank you.

toll, vielen danke

At the moment I added more then 100 channels to the list. I think this is enough.

Perhaps creating a public google doc for everyone to see and perhaps help edit?

I would like to add the below channel. Good for tech geeks!
Doktor Whatson
Doktor Whatson - YouTube

Der Kanal ist in der Tat gut! Vielen Dank!

Hey Sergey When you import German lessons into LingQ. How do you get the audio file? I have a way of doing It but itā€™s so time consuming. I have to play the entire tv show or whatever it is, and record it as it plays. Is there a faster way?

Hi, Mark!
I use to get audio from youtube. It works with AdBlock on, so no adverts or anything.
If you mean Tagesschau - I download mp4 video and extract mp3 from it (using Audacity). Other than that, I also tried to record streams several times, and it took too long to be practical.

Is it legal?

Iā€™m not a Jurist, but my educated guess would be: yes.

  1., adBlock : you accept Terms of Use, so itā€™s legal
  2. Audacity : is a free open-source multimedia software
  3. Content : general copyright laws are applied, including Fair Use doctrine.