GERMAN Words I cannot understand

Speaking Romansh in Switzerland:

Have you guys ever heard Bodo WartkeĀ“s ā€œLiebesliedā€?
ItĀ“s 20 Minutes long and heĀ“s singing in 85 different languages/dialects.^^


This Lied even includes Turkish-German dialect (at time 3:01) on the clip.

That one had me rolling on the floor with laughter! :smiley:

I try to shadowing the song,
it is not easy! but funny!


No ZĆ¼ritĆ¼Ć¼sch and no Texas German. I was disappointed

I saw this song performed live on Youtube before. Itā€™s so funny! :smiley:

The Turkish partā€¦seriouslyā€¦Iā€™m still laughing now!! :smiley:

Bitte, versteht mich hier nicht falsch: ich habe (selbstverstƤndlich) ganz und gar nichts gegen Deutsch-TĆ¼rken - damals war ein ziemlich guter Kumpel von mir einer. Aber sie sprechen Deutsch schon ein bisschen eigenartigā€¦irgendwieā€¦

PfƤlzisch: Ich liebe dich = Isch hab disch gern!

Sounds like a rather controlling relationship. :stuck_out_tongue:

Who knew that a simple translation question could go to talking about an argument about one word, cigarettes, quiting smoking, to different dialects. Anyway, thanks to everyone who actually ANSWERED my question.

wait what? cigarettes? quit smoking? Only quitters quit.

But really, we didnā€™t talk about thisā€¦ did we?


This will not be the last surprise !

The LingQ forum is open for different approaches to the language.


@ Horsecrazy

It is very common for simple threads on here to turn into long discussions about a large number of different subjects.

@ Horsecrazy

It is very common for simple threads on here to turn into long discussions about a large number of different subjects.