Female Polyglots and Language Learning on International Women's Day

As I explained before it is necessary to have several languages in common to be able to have a multilingual discussion. The more participants you have the more difficult it gets to match the languages. Even with three women participating it’s already tricky.


odiernod: “Steve and Luca just released a video yesterday where they speak to each other for 20 minutes, and the whole time it is in English.”

This is just the first part. The other parts will be in French, Spanish, German, Russian and Chinese, etc.

I used to like those language medleys, but now I like them less and less. Those small snippets, typically on language learning don’t really showcase their ability to speak that particular language because they always stay on the same topic.

Luca seems to be a really likeable and humble person. I have to admit though that I don’t find his forced American accent too pleasing (but that is only personal taste of course).

As an American, I find that his American accent sounds rather natural to me and not forced. He does not sound like someone trying to imitate an American, but someone who learned English using an American style pronunciation.

Luca sounds natural in all of his accents, to my ears, although only a native speaker can say if he sounds like a native. He does not sound like a native to me, close but would not be mistaken for a native. I find his German accent astoundingly good, but then I am not German.

Steve, I have also watched your new You Tube video talking to Luca and I was very surprised that it was only in English. I would find it to tentative to speak some other languages as well in such a video. In my opinion Luca’s English is very close to native American English. I hope that you will post also a second video conversation with Luca and that there will be some polyglotting.: )


Now back to the original topic of this thread:

IINTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY on Thursday, 08 March 2012

I am pleased to introduce our new video on LingQ. It is a recorded Skype conversation of three female polyglots talking in English about female language learners and how to promote more internet presence of female polyglots.

My disussion parnters in this Skype talk are Susanna and Jana, both are You Tube polyglots. So thanks for Jana and Susanna for this interesting discussion! The whole technical word on the video inclusive the integrating of our photos has done Susanna, so thanks for this extra work!

Here is the link to our video:

The duration of this video is 42 minutes.


Yes, Luca’s German pronounciation is amazing.

By the way, why is it that so many internet polyglots are male? I thought language/social skills is a female thing, or is it just that we men like to parade our skills like a trophy?

Friedemann, we three discussed your last question in our video! :slight_smile:



I’ll give it a listen soon!

@Steve et.al.

It’s true, Luca really seems to have a knack for getting foreign accents right, his French sounds great, I am sure living in Paris for 18 months also helps.

What does he do for a living?

Luca has developed very sophisticated accent training methods. You can read more about it on his blog “The Polyglot Dream”.


Fasulye, really enjoyed listening to your video. Some interesting points were discussed.

@Friedemann: “…What does he do for a living?”

Friedemann , du sollst es niemandem erzählen - aber der Kerl ist ein russischer Agent! In Wirklichkeit heißt er Lukov Lamparielski. Er wurde von Putins Geheimdienstlern als “deep penetration agent” ausgebildet und wird auch heute noch vom Kreml bezahlt!

Seine Mission: er soll massive Verwirrung unter den Intellektuellen im Westen ausbreiten, indem er sie glauben lässt, man könne 7 Sprachen perfekt beherrschen – so wie er. (Er kann die Sprachen aber nur deswegen, weil man ihm ein Microchip-Implantat ins Gehirn eingepflanzt hat!)

@asad100101 Yes, such a discussion video gives food for thought and that’s one of our intentions. Glad you like it!


Fasulye, thank you for this interesting discussion!

@Alenika I’ll forward your “thank you” to Susanna and Jana as well.


I’ve never posted in the LingQ forums before, but this is Jana from the video.

It would have been cool if we could have had a multilingual discussion, but as Fasulye explained, we don’t have enough languages in common amongst the three of us. Maybe we could have managed Spanish as well as French, but my spoken level of Spanish is only around a B1 at this point.

Actually, I’m not even sure if I should be considered a polyglot according to some peoples’ definition of the word. I’m a native English speaker with something like C2 Japanese and C1 French, and these are the only languages I claim to speak fluently. My next best languages are Spanish and Mandarin, which are both around a B1. I’m working on improving my weaker languages of course, but for now let’s just say I’m honored to have been included in this conversation with such impressive polyglots!

Jana, how about Russian? Aren’t you studying it anymore? I remember watching your Russian video a few months ago when I started learning it myself.

Yes Elric, I’m still learning Russian! It’s hard to estimate what my level is, but I think I’m getting close to a B1 in it now. It’s actually the language I’m focusing the most on at the moment, so hopefully it will continue to improve over the next few months.

Janalisa, welcome here on LingQ! It’s such an interesting discussion here, It would have been a pity, if you missed it. I should add that also my Spanish is on an active B1-level but I have a good passive understanding of native-level spoken Spanish. My other three “Romance” languages French, Italian and Esperanto are on a B2-level. My English is C1 and my only foreign C2-level language is Dutch. And my Danish is on the A1/A2-level wheras I can understand passively more than I can write or speak in Danish.
