Feature request: window title


Where: Individual course pages

What: Update window title property to display the name of the course.

Example: https://www.lingq.com/en/learn/ja/web/library/course/411402

Explanation: When opening a course in a new tab/new window, the page title (and thus, the text in the browser tab), just says “LingQ Learning Languages Simply”.

I suggest this should display the course title, i.e. in this example: “LingQ Mini Stories”

Thank you

Thanks for your suggestion, we’ll see what we can do.

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I can’t create posts so will add a suggestion here. Beside the “AA” that helps change the font size etc., please put the size of the current font. Lots of my screen is used for non-text so I keep having to make the font sizes small to fit long sentences in. It would be good to see when i’m already at maximum font size so it doensn’t jump to tiny font.
[I would prefer more of the screen to be used for the target text, but this is an easier step, I assume.]