Farsi: automatic voice is bad

the automatic voice for Farsi is very bad. It is much better for Mandarin or other languages. How comes that? I would love to enter the pronunciation for some words myself, but I guess it is not possible, is it?


If you happen to be on an iOS device, you can use the device-side Persian voice Dariush instead: https://forum.lingq.com/t/persian-text-to-speech-dariush/

Doesn’t work on the browser, of course. I don’t know if Android has a Persian voice.

One other thing that can help a lot is the FORVO “dictionary”, which links you to native-speaker recordings.

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Thanks for your reply. I am an Android user.
I do know forvo.com, so I have no problem with finding the correct pronunciation. It just made me wonder why there are these differences in the automatic voices. It just would be very nice to have a good Persian pronunciation implemented.


Actually I’m not too thrilled with the Mandarin… Korean is good, though.

I happen to learn Mandarin as well and, please believe me, the automatic voice of Mandarin is so much better than that of Persian / Farsi. Imagine a robot voice… it’s worse. :joy:


The Persian voice really is terrible. Most text-to-speech platforms don’t support Persian so the only other one I’ve tried is Azure. When I tried it a year or two ago, it had a very natural sounding voice but it is very frequently pronounced things incorrectly and if it read a sentence, it had a lot of trouble figuring out where the ezafehs go.

It would be a big improvement over the current LingQ voice though.


Update: The Persian voice has been updated to a female voice. It is FAR MORE PLEASANT than before!!! Whoever has implemented this, here comes my big THANK YOU!!! :smiley:

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Today the voice changed back to the old robot voice. I am confused. What’s going on, can anybody explain?

Not sure what happened, we will check that.